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Here is chapter 13, the fic will go back to focusing on the E-class now, I don't like writing about the characters families and stuff.

Nagisa sat down at his spot in the classroom and waited for Koro sensei to arrive. Most of the rest of the class did the same. The crowd around Okajima slowly got smaller and smaller as the boys in the class didn't want the girls finding out about the pictures of them. Classes were normal when it was break time, Nagisa and his group of friends sat together outside. They were discussing some activities they wanted to do together in the near future and one thing leads to another and the group ended up deciding to go to karaoke after school. The people who were going were Nagisa, Karma, Kayano, Nakamura, Maehara, Isogai and Sugino. Okuda was with them when it was planned but she was unable to make it in the afternoon.

Koro sensei's next class was English, Nagisa was happy about that, it was the only class he did well in. He got all but one answer right in a quiz they did, he was really happy with that outcome. He was thinking about how they were going to karaoke later since some other people were still doing the test. Nagisa had never done karaoke before and was sort of worried about how it was going to work out. He didn't want to make himself look like an idiot so he was hoping everything was going to go okay after school.

When the last bell of the day went the seven of them going to karaoke waited outside the classroom for each other. "How do we actually get there?" Sugino asked. Nakamura was the one who answered, "I know the way! But we'll have to catch the train, is that okay with everyone?" A chorus of "yeahs" and "okays" were said. The group of seven walked to the nearby train station and stood on the platform waiting for the train. Kayano was really excited for karaoke, she was really good too, but she wondered if the others had ever gone before, "Has anyone here never been to karaoke before?"

Nagisa looked around the group, Sugino had his hand up along with Isogai, he raised his own hand as well. Karma as Nagisa looked deep in thought then put his hand up halfway, "I went with some other people before but I didn't sing anything."

"So Nakamura, Maehara and I are the only ones who have been before? That's surprising." Kayano said. The train came and the seven got on and sat together, it didn't take very long and soon they were at their stop and walking towards the karaoke place. They stopped at a restaurant first and they all had some dinner. After that, they made their way to the karaoke place.

They went to the front desk and Nakamura stepped forward, "I've got reservations under the name 'Rio'." The person at the desk looked through a book and nodded, "Okay this way." The person led them to a room with a table and seats on each side, "Please watch your heads, the door frame is a bit low." Then the person walked back to the front desk. The seven ducked their heads and entered the room. Maehara, Sugino and Isogai sat together and Kayano and Nakamura sat together.

When Karma walked in he ducked really low then realised that he wasn't that tall at the moment. A loud bang was heard and everyone turned towards the door and found Nagisa on the floor lying on his back and his forehead going sort of red. Karma laughed, "You forgot you were taller now didn't you?" He smirked, it was so damn funny seeing him sprawled on the ground dazed. Nagisa as Karma came to his senses and took Sugino's hand helping him up. "Karma, why are you so damn tall!" Karma put his hands up is defence, "Not my fault." He said with a sarcastic tone.

After Nagisa calmed down he sat down next to Karma. The room wasn't very big but it wasn't small either. Nagisa didn't really want to do it, but because Karma came he had to because he had to be less than 100 meters near him. Kayano decided to go first by herself and picked a popular song at the moment, she sang it perfectly and smiled at the faces of her friends in awe. She finished and sat back down. Nagisa as Karma smiled, "That was amazing!" Kayano smiled brightly, she didn't want to brag but she was proud of her singing voice. "Thanks, Nagisa but don't smile like that so often, it looks weird on Karma's face." She laughed.

Nakamura got a good idea and smirked, "How about we have everyone do a song on their own and then we can go in groups?" Kayano nodded her head frantically, "Yeah! Let's do that!" Nagisa frowned and Isogai's smile looked strained. Karma was neutral and Maehara was laughing. Sugino was the first to say anything after Kayano, "I don't want to sing by myself!"

"You have to!" Kayano wanted to hear everyone sing by themselves. Nakamura wanted to move things forward, "I'll be going next." Nakamura picked a song much like Kayano's pick. She sang it well only mucking up once. But overall it wasn't as good as Kayano's. Nakamura handed the microphone to Isogai, "You next." Isogai paused, then took the microphone. You could see by the way he walked that he was not very eager at doing it. He picked a song that went well with his slightly high voice. He sang it well, but he wasn't as loud as he usually was, due to stage fright.

Sugino went next after some convincing. He was really uncomfortable singing in front of them alone and paused at some parts of the song he chose. He walked off the small stage with his face slightly pink from embarrassment. He gave the microphone to Karma, "You go next." Karma went next and he was confident and picked a song that was quite low that complimented his voice, he didn't stuff up and everyone clapped when he finished. He gave the microphone to Maehara, "Your turn~." He went up and picked a song. He sang well but mucked up numerous times. Only one person remained and Nagisa felt all of his friends gazes on him. He got up reluctantly and picked a song at fit his girlish voice. He sang surprisingly well and clear. His face was a deep shade of red though. Kayano laughed when he finished, "Look at Karma's face, it's all red!"

Nakamura was impressed by Nagisa's singing, "I didn't know you could sing." Nagisa looked at her chuckling, "I've just never really tried."

"Anyway, now that everyone has gone by themselves, we can go in groups now," Nakamura said. "Kayano and I are first." The two girls sang really well together and laughed when it was done. "That was really fun!" They discussed who was going next and it ended up being Maehara, Karma and Isogai. They rest of the group were surprised by the three singing and watched with curiosity. It went really well and Isogai sang louder because he was singing with friends. It sounded great. Nagisa asked Sugino to sing with him and Kayano joined. Sugino didn't muck up at all because he wasn't alone.

They all sang together and it sounded horrible with so many voices all at once. They were all laughing but the end of the song. When they had calmed down, Karma and Nagisa sang together and it was funny since their voices looked like they were coming from the wrong person. Nagisa's high voice and Karma's low one went really well together and they were enjoying themselves while singing. Maehara and Isogai sang together for fun and Isogai had formed some confidence and was really getting into the song. Kayano wanted to hear herself sing with Nagisa since their voices were similar, so they did. They sang a song sung by a girl since it fit most for their voices. Nagisa was embarrassed but still gave it his all.

Nakamura and Karma sang next, they didn't really go well together and so it didn't sound very good. They were both trying to be the main singer and laughed when they heard how bad it sounded. Sugino decided to sing with Maehara and Isogai and they didn't sound good together either. Their voices were clashing together. Maehara decided to sing with just Karma next and it was pretty good both their voices were sort of low and it sounded great together. Nagisa sang with Nakamura but she kept trying to hug him while he was singing or she would start laughing when he was talking the whole thing seriously, making him stop singing. He was pouting at the end of the song and Nakamura poked his cheek while laughing.

They kept going with making combinations and eventually it was time they all went home. They had all had a lot of fun and none of them regretted going. Nagisa went to Karma's place along with him and he slept on the couch. Karma was sitting in his room and had his bag in front of him and was holding his phone watching a video of the karaoke session. Somewhere else in Nakamura's bedroom, Nakamura was looking at her own video of the afternoon on her phone. Back to Karma's room: Karma chuckled to himself. He turned his phone off and dug deeper into his bag. He pulled out the notebooks he had gotten from Nagisa's place and opened the first one.

I have never been to karaoke so sorry for any mistakes regarding that.  Okay so Karma recorded the whole thing, the damn devil and so did Nakamura. The next chapter is going to start with him reading Nagisa's notebooks.

Anyway, thank you for reading this chapter.

(DISCONTINUED) Switch Time- assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now