The rest of the class

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Okay then, for this chapter I'll write about the rest of the notes Nagisa has on the class.

I won't write the profiles like the ones from the last chapter, these ones will be from Karma's point of view; he'll think about the ones he remembers as people walk into class. I'll just put the most important stuff about each person. Enjoy~!

Karma woke up the next day early. He took the notebooks out of his bag and hid them in a box in his closet. He didn't want Nagisa finding out, not yet anyway. He went downstairs and noticed that Nagisa still asleep, on a normal day, Karma would have photographed him asleep on the couch, but since Nagisa was in Karma's body he held back. He would only be making blackmail for himself.

Karma made breakfast and Nagisa later woke up from the smell of pancakes. He walked over to the kitchen rubbing his eyes, "Smells good." Then he yawned. They ate and got ready for school. They walked to school and when they made it, Karma looked around the class and thought about Nagisa's notebook of opinions on all of them. He watched as people walked into the class and remembered some interesting parts of what Nagisa thought of them.

Some of the first people to walk in were Isogai, Maehara and Kataoka. Kataoka's profile by Nagisa had been pretty good, saying she was 'level-headed' and was a 'good leader, being the female class rep'. Karma remembered him commenting on her swimming skills and her as well knife work, but he didn't have anything too interesting to say about her.

The next person to arrive was Okano along with Kurahashi, Karma had laughed when he read Okano's profile because Nagisa had commented that 'she had once thrown a chair' at him and knocked him out. It didn't mean he disliked her it was just an event that he wrote about, he also wrote about how she was 'one of the agilest people in class' and had 'good knife work skills' too. (A.N: Manga reference about the chair.)

Kurahashi's profile was about how she was 'gentle' and 'caring'. Nagisa commented that she was 'an animal and nature lover' and that he had even seen her interact with dolphins before. (A.N: Another manga only reference.) Nagisa said 'she has extensive knowledge in biology' and was 'ranked third in the class for knife work'. Nagisa had said about how she liked Karasuma but didn't really say what he thought about it, he just wrote it. He had also written that she was 'one of Bitch sensei's best students'.

The next few people to arrive were Kimura, Sugino, Okajima and Sugaya. Kimura's profile didn't have anything too interesting in it, due to the fact that he and Nagisa don't really talk or interact much. It had how he was 'one of the agilest students' in the class; he had written that he is 'the fastest student at running' from their class and he is 'quite skilled at free-running' as well. Nagisa also commented that he was 'good at knife work'.

For Sugaya, Nagisa said how he was 'really good at art' and said that he had even given all the people in the class henna tattoos before and that they had 'looked awesome'. (A.N: Yet another manga only reference.) Nagisa said how Sugaya was an average guy and that he always seems so calm.

Karma lay back on his chair and watched as everyone who had come in, goes to their desks. Kanzaki came next, then Kayano, then Okuda. Fuwa came in reading a new manga that she had and didn't even look up as she walked to her desk. Fuwa's profile by Nagisa had, in fact, commented on this saying that she was a 'manga fan' and he had written that she 'speaks about manga a lot at school'. He wrote that she had an 'enthusiastic personality' and she had 'skills in investigating and solving mysteries, probably from her reading so much manga'.

Takabayashi walked into class, but Karma couldn't remember what Nagisa had written about him, it mustn't have been too interesting if he couldn't remember. Hayami and Chiba arrived next. Hayami's profile from Nagisa had said that she is a 'very serious person' and has a 'professional vibe'. He had written that Hayami was 'very skilled at marksmanship' and 'she is the best out of the girls in the class' and that she was also 'third in the class for knife work'.

Chiba's profile said that his bangs hide his eyes and that Nagisa had never seen his eyes. His profile had been similar to Hayami's with the professional vibe and being a serious person, but Nagisa had said that he thought that 'Chiba was a bit less serious than Hayami'. Nagisa wrote that 'Chiba has the best marksmanship skills in the class'.

One by one more people came to the classroom the next person was Mimura, then Hara. Karma couldn't remember either of their profiles and then Nakamura arrived and came and talked to him for a while. She left after a while and Karma looked around the class to see if anyone else had arrived while he had been talking.

There was Yada in the room now, her profile as Karma remembered had said that she was 'enthusiastic' and 'adult-like'. Nagisa had said that she was a 'nice person' and that she was 'reliable'. Nagisa commented that she was 'third in the class for knife work and because she was 'one of bitch sensei's best students' she had learned a few tricks from her such as infiltration and negotiation.

The only group left to arrive was Terasaka's group who usually arrived right before the bell. Karma's prediction was correct and Terasaka, Muramatsu, Yoshida and Hazama all arrived together and right as the bell for the class was about to ring. Terasaka's profile had said that he was 'really strong' and he can 'withstand a lot of things like when he was attacked by Itona'. Nagisa didn't really say anything about him being unintelligent as Karma would have said, but Karma just thought it was because Nagisa is too nice.

Karma didn't think anything stood out about Yoshida's and Muramatsu's profiles, but Hazama's one was a bit more interesting. Nagisa had said that she was a 'quiet person who kept to herself most of the time'. Nagisa commented that she likes 'dark' and 'scary things' and she even likes to scare others. As Nagisa had written Hazama was 'third in the class for marksmanship'.

Koro sensei opened the door as the bell went and classes started.


So I've gotten a few reviews of people wanting me to make Karmagisa moments. I wasn't planning on doing that, but I don't want to ignore my reviewers. So... I came to the conclusion of writing two endings, one like I had planned and another Karmagisa one.

I'll post them both at the same time so I can make the story complete when I post both endings and the people who don't like Karmagisa don't have to read that ending. I want to keep you all happy. Is that okay guys? The ending isn't that close but I just wanted to tell everyone that now.

The next chapter will continue off from this chapter. Sorry for the short and uninteresting/uneventful chapter the next one will be more interesting, I promise. Thank you all for reading and please comment and vote!

(DISCONTINUED) Switch Time- assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now