Reading the notebooks

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On with the chapter! Now Karma is reading Nagisa's notebooks that he stole from his house. Um, Karma will show that he cares for Nagisa in this chapter. So yeah... Sorry for the long chapter I accidently made the whole chapter of Karma reading the notebooks, oops... Enjoy~

Karma had already noticed that none of the notebooks had anything written on them on the front, so he had no idea what was in each. The first one he opened seemed to be one with Koro sensei's weaknesses in it. As Karma read through some of the listed weaknesses he realised that it was written exactly the same as the one that he took to school. 'Ah, so he rewrites it in another book.' Karma realised that the book was considerably neater than the one that he wrote at school.

He read through a few more, but didn't see the point, he had already read them all before. He flicked through the pages until he got to the end and saw writing in another colour from the rest of the book. Karma stayed at the back and read through it:

Koro sensei's favourite students
Koro sensei seems to like everyone in the class, but, he has to have a favourite. No one in class actually plays 'teacher pet' but surely Koro sensei likes some students better than others, right? I'm going to observe and see if I can find out who these students are. Who knows, it might even help with assassinations.

Okay from what I can see, he likes everyone evenly but there are two in class he treats differently. He teases Terasaka, as does most of the rest of the class so it's not really that special and the other person is Karma, he has been 'polishing' him, but he seems to really care about him. Karma teases Koro sensei and always gets the better of Koro sensei, there have been a few instances when Koro sensei got the better of Karma but only a few.

I can't really say much else, he doesn't seem to have a favourite student.
-Nagisa Shiota

Karma chuckled and whispered, "Dummy, you're his favourite student." Karma thought it was cute how Nagisa finished his writing, having his name there at the end. Karma picked up the next notebook, he flicked through and saw it was a list of their assassination attempts. Nagisa always wrote exactly what happened, why it didn't work, who was involved and the weapons used. Karma saw that the first attempt was done by Nagisa himself.

Karma's eyes widened, 'The first assassination attempt ever done was by Nagisa?' He read through it.

Assassination Attempt 1
BB grenade and anti-sensei knife

Terasaka gave me the grenade filled with anti-sensei BB's. During class when Koro sensei got tired, I walked up to him with an anti-sensei knife behind my work. Koro sensei didn't realise until I swiped at him, he took the knife off me and when I jumped and hugged him he was surprised and caught off guard. He saw the grenade and Terasaka pushed the button on the remote to set it off. The reason it failed was because Koro sensei flew to the ceiling he also shedded his skin, he used it to cover me from the explosion, so I was unhurt.

Plan Failed

Notes: The class was very angry at Terasaka for using me for the assassination.
Koro sensei was disappointed that I didn't care for my safety for the attempt.

-Nagisa Shiota

Karma gritted his teeth, 'Why hadn't Nagisa told me this?!

Ah, he probably knew I'd want to kill Terasaka.'

Karma was surprised that Nagisa was the first person to try and assassinate Koro sensei, even if it had been Terasaka that had come up the idea, Nagisa still showed courage going along with it. Everything else in the book, Karma had either seen or heard of already. Karma picked up the next book, it was wrapped in coloured paper, unlike the others. He only had one other book after it as well. 'The book covered with the coloured paper had to be important, right?' Karma thought.

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