Were photos taken?

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Okay, I'm really sorry if the last chapter was kind of weird or something, I wrote some of this during class, so maybe a bit slow paced. I'm so happy so many people have voted and commented. I really hope people continue to be so supportive. So here is chapter 7. Hope you enjoy!

After Karma and Nagisa had finished dinner and put the leftover pasta in the fridge, Nagisa in Karma's body decided to sleep on the couch while Karma's in Nagisa's body would sleep in his own bed.

Nagisa as Karma changed into some of Karma's clothes in his drawers since they fit him and after a while when Karma came out of his bedroom wearing his own clothes, Nagisa couldn't help but laugh.

Karma who was currently Nagisa at the moment was wearing a dark purple pyjama top and light blue long pants. The shirt had long sleeves and they were longer than his hands and a bit of the material hung over, flapping as Karma walked.

The pants weren't any better they were much longer than his actual legs and Karma had to pick them up to step forward, otherwise, he would trip.

"Those clothes make me look way smaller than I actually am!" Nagisa said while laughing, he was holding his sides and his stomach was starting to hurt. Karma had a flustered expression, "How am I supposed to sleep like this? You are way too small to fit my clothes."

Karma picked up his pants and went to Nagisa and sat next to him on the couch. Karma had set up the couch with a pillow and a blanket. Nagisa was currently under the blanket with just his head popping out.

"You sure you don't want to share the bed with me?" Karma asked while smirking, of course, he was joking. Nagisa stared at him, blinked and said with a flat tone, "No way."



Karma got up and went to go upstairs to his room but he forgot to pick up his pant legs and fell face first to the floor. (A.N: Soft carpet people. Don't worry) Nagisa looked up in concern, "Karma, are you okay?"

"Yeah." He sighed shaking his head and got up, "Anyway, good-night."

"Mmm, night."

This time Karma didn't forget and got up and walked upstairs while Nagisa was half laughing and watching him leave.

The next day Nagisa woke from hearing something metal bang on the tiles from the kitchen. Karma leant down and picked up a spoon, "Damn, I didn't want to wake you, so anyway, good morning."

Nagisa rubbed his eyes, "Morning." Nagisa got off the couch, fixed the blanket and walked to the kitchen.

Karma was cooking pancakes and had set up the dining table with cutlery. Nagisa stood next to Karma, "Smells good." He looked down at Karma in his body and noticed that he had changed into the same school clothes from yesterday.

Karma saw Nagisa looking at his clothes and said, "It was too hard to cook in clothes that were too big, so I changed."

Nagisa nodded and looked at the pancakes, Karma was cooking two at the moment and a stack of them were on a plate next to the frying pan.

"Have you been up long?" Nagisa shyly asked. He thought this whole situation was still really weird, not just switching, but staying at Karma's place.

"I wish I could say no, but it was too uncomfortable to be able to sleep in these clothes. I got a bit of sleep though." Karma answered then yawned.

Nagisa nodded and looked at him in concern, "Will you still be able to come to school today?"

Karma laughed, "Yeah, I'll be fine, it's not like I take school seriously anyway." Nagisa shook his head and Karma continued, "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah but let me quickly change into your school clothes. I would hate it if I ruined your pyjamas." Nagisa ran upstairs and came back down a few minutes later wearing Karma's school clothes, he sat down at the dining table and Karma plated up a few pancakes for the two of them.

They ate their breakfast, packed their bags and then they walked to school, Nagisa took the leftover pasta for lunch from the day before.

He decided to tell Karma something that had sparked his interest a few days before, "You know after we had that camp, Okajima called me over to talk to me."

Karma didn't think that would end well and gestured for him to continue, "Well, he told me he took pictures of the girls sleeping and ... well ... he did, he showed me."

Karma laughed at Nagisa's discomfort. "But what was weird was that there were no pictures of Nakamura."

Karma thought about what Nagisa had just said, "So you're saying she was awake?"

"I'm saying that maybe she had done the same." Nagisa looked at the ground.

"You think she took pictures of the boys?"

Nagisa nodded.

"Hmmm, we'll just have to wait and see~."

The school building came into view and when they entered class they sat at their seats.

Karma was sitting at his spot at the back of the classroom and as Koro sensei went on about geography he started to feel sleepy. Karma put his arms over the table and leant his face on them, 'No one will mind if I sleep for 10 minutes.'

Let's just say that 10 minutes became the whole lesson.

Nagisa glanced back at Karma/himself as the lesson ended, he was shocked to see him sleeping, 'Karma never sleeps in class! He just ditches it.'

This spectacle had caught the attention of a few other people in the class, including Koro sensei. Nakamura walked up to him during the break and snapped a picture of 'Nagisa' sleeping on a desk. The real Nagisa saw what she was doing and got up to go steal the phone.

It was already too late though, she had somehow emailed everyone in the class the pictures and ran out of the room. After receiving the email all the people in the class realised that Karma was asleep and a lot had left the room not wanting to be there when he woke up.

Nagisa stood next to him wondering whether he should wake him up, even Koro sensei seemed reluctant to wake up the currently blue-haired boy.

Kayano was next to Nagisa and whispered in Nagisa's ear, "You look so cute!" Nagisa frowned and Kayano quietly laughed.

Everyone was just standing there in silence when suddenly Koro sensei poked Karma's cheek with his tentacle, much like he did when Karma had been sulking about the term tests. Karma/Nagisa opened his eyes slowly and yawned. He rubbed his eyes and his vision cleared revealing a crowd standing around him.

Most of the girls standing there were screaming in their heads, 'KAWAII!' Nagisa got annoyed realising the situation with the girls and Karma just stared at everyone, "Did I miss something?"

"Karma you fell asleep in class!" Nagisa said. Karma looked at Koro sensei, "Why the hell did you just poke my face?"

"How else were we to wake you?"

"How about telling me to wake up?" Karma said with an irritated voice.

Suddenly everyone's phone went off and the conversation stopped with them checking what had happened. As it turns out Nakamura had emailed everyone again, but this time it was a video. Nagisa presses play on his phone and the scene of Karma waking up played on the screen.

Nagisa could tell where the video had been filmed from and looked out the window and sure enough, Nakamura stood there, phone in her hand.

The rest of the day went by with Karma trying not to fall asleep again, it wasn't easy.

At lunch time Nagisa had shared some of his pasta and told them how Karma had cooked it the night before. Two things happened all at once, 1. His friends realised what a great chef Karma was and 2. They found out that Nagisa and Karma were staying together at Karma's house.

Nagisa went over to Karma's place once again that afternoon to 'work on a school project' they had.

Boring huh? Don't worry next chapter will be more interesting, I promise, please hang in there! My friend said that they were OOC in this, I'm really sorry if that is true, I try really hard to keep them in character. Next chapter, chapter 8, 2nd night at Karmas.

(DISCONTINUED) Switch Time- assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now