Give me an explanation

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Okay, this is chapter 10 just want to respond to a review don't mind me.

Can we please just pretend that Asano knows a bit about Nagisa, even though they never really got to know each other, let's just say Asano read all the E class student files and found out information about them. Well then on with the chapter! :)

Asano didn't know what to think, say or do. Right now he was trying to figure out what was happening. He told himself that Nagisa was just acting weird, but he way he was acting made him feel so angry and annoyed, the way he feels when Karma Akabane is around. He has never felt this way around Nagisa Shiota.

Karma sat on the tree branch, not knowing what to do or say. Right now he was trying to figure out how to fix the situation without telling Asano the truth. The last thing he wanted was a way for Asano to be able to manipulate him with blackmail or something. What was he supposed to say? Asano had just said his name! He already thought there was something strange between the two of us!

Karma had to cover up his mistake, he jumped down from the branch and landed in front of Asano, "What are you talking about? I'm Nagisa Shiota." He gave Asano his sweet smile again, it was hard to do, due to his history with him.

"Yeah well, you're acting like Karma Akabane," Asano responded through gritted teeth, he didn't know what was going on, but this wasn't Nagisa Shiota.

"Well, Karma is a very close friend of mine..." Karma was having trouble acting like Nagisa, he's just too innocent for Karma to act like him, it was extremely hard.

"Stop pretending, tell me what is going on!" Asano lost his cool and after he said that he realised he never lost his cool in front of anyone other than Karma and his father, just making him surer that this had something to do with the red head.

Karma knew he had lost, there was nothing he could do now to fix the situation. He got his phone out of his pocket and texted Nagisa to come outside to meet him. Karma could see from his position, Nagisa turning on his phone and excusing himself from the classroom. (A.N: It's break time though.)

Nagisa rushes out and finds Karma as himself and Asano behind some bushes. He goes and stands next to Karma, from what he can see, Asano looks pissed and Karma looks flustered.

Asano watches as Karma comes out of the classroom and stands with Nagisa. "Nagisa~, why did you call me out here?" Asano found himself relax a bit at the tone that Karma spoke with, when he realised this he got the feeling that Karma was acting more like Nagisa.

Karma as Nagisa decided that they should just tell Asano the truth and get him off their backs. "I think we should tell Asano the truth..." He purposely didn't say Nagisa's name in case he didn't agree, when Nagisa nodded slowly, they looked back at Asano and got faced with an expression that could only be described as curious and confused in one.

"What are you two talking about?"

Karma as Nagisa took a deep breath, "Nagisa and I swapped bodies." Asano had not expected that he nearly choked (A.N: Weird, he's not eating anything *shrug*.)

"What?! That's impossible, this is a joke right?!"

Now Nagisa sighed, "Unfortunately it isn't."

"How the hell would something like that even happen?"

"Well, Nagisa fell backwards and bumped into me and I fell too, then we ended up like this." Karma frowned.

Asano smiled, Karma saw and frowned even more, "And just what are you laughing at?" Asano smirked his evil smirk that he saved for the annoying red head, "I bet you don't like being so short." Karma looked at the floor, he actually had no comeback.

(DISCONTINUED) Switch Time- assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now