Stolen notebooks

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Hello~ Chapter 12 of Switch time now, so Karma has been dressed in 3 different outfits and Hiromi is now leaving him as a cat. Nagisa and Koro sensei are upstairs and now the story continues.

Okay then...

Hiromi had given Karma/Nagisa some more free time before dinner. He went back upstairs reluctantly, with each step he took, the bell on the collar he was wearing, jingled. Either Koro sensei or Nagisa had heard it because when he reached the top of the stairs, Nagisa had his head popped out of the room, his red hair fell to one side.

Nagisa saw what Karma was wearing and his expression changed from being curious to apologetic. Karma knew this was going to happen, Nagisa was going to apologise for his mother's actions. Before Nagisa could say anything though, Karma sat down in the middle of Nagisa's bedroom and said, "You don't need to apologise, this isn't your fault."

Nagisa knew Karma was right but still felt bad but he knew he wasn't going to get anywhere talking about it either. He slowly nodded and sat down with him. Koro sensei was looking through some of Nagisa's notebooks in a corner of the room. He had a pile next to him and another smaller pile was still on the desk. Karma eyed the pile of notebooks on the table, he guessed those were the books that Nagisa didn't want Koro sensei to read, probably that list of weaknesses and he was pretty sure there was going to be some good blackmail material in there too. Karma wasn't going to leave this house the next day without some of those notebooks. He would make sure of it. He internally smirked.

Koro sensei put down the notebook he was looking at, "Karma please try to stay out of trouble while you're here. I'll be going now, Nagisa, don't get yourself found out. I'll come back in the morning. You can call me if you need me. Bye!" He went out the window and flew away.

The two boys sat in awkward silence for a while until Nagisa started speaking, "Tomorrow morning, I will get up early, Koro sensei will come to keep me hidden from Hiromi for the morning. He'll stay until my mother goes to work and then he will leave." Karma nodded, "How early are you getting up?"

"About 6:00 am. My mother goes to work at around 7:00 am."


Their conversation was cut short when Hiromi called Karma/Nagisa downstairs for dinner. "I'll try to come back as soon as possible and bring you some food."


He left the room and closed the door, he didn't want Hiromi to see Nagisa if she passed through the hallway. Karma went downstairs and went to the living room, where Hiromi was. He sat down and she brought a plate of food over. It was hard for Karma to sit on the chair comfortably due the clothes he was wearing, but he didn't say anything to make sure Hiromi doesn't go crazy.

Hiromi started the conversation, "Nagisa those clothes were meant for you! You look so cute, just like a real cat." Karma swallowed and didn't say anything.

"Well anyway, tomorrow I'm going out of town for a while for work, is it okay is you stay at a friend's house for a while?"


"Yeah, but for how long will you be out of town?"

"Maybe a week or so..."

'This is perfect timing!' Karma thought. "Is it okay if go up to my room and eat there? Then I'll be able to make arrangements right now and not have to worry about it tomorrow at school."

"Mmm, yeah that's fine." She handed 'Nagisa' a plate of food, "But don't make a mess up there!" Karma took the plate and went upstairs, "I won't!" Karma didn't need to make arrangements, Nagisa and Karma would just stay at his place, he only wanted to go back up to give Nagisa some food, 'He must be starving!'

(DISCONTINUED) Switch Time- assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now