The spilt drinks...

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Okay, this is chapter 8. This should be a lot better than the last one. So, Nagisa is staying at Karma's place for the second time.

Hope you like this chapter.

Nagisa in Karma's body sighed as he walked next to Karma in his body. Karma looked over to him, "What's wrong?"


"Everyone freaked out when I told them I was staying at your place." Nagisa looked down to look Karma in the eye.

"What do you mean?"

"Well they went on about how you're a devil and you'll steal my stuff!" Nagisa sighed again.

Karma just laughed, "As if I'd do that!"

Nagisa was confused, "Why does this situation not seem to bother you?"

"Cause it doesn't."

Now Nagisa was completely confused, "Ehh, why?"

"Cause it doesn't affect me, only you. So far you've had pictures of you sleeping on a desk and pictures of you crossdressed taken."

Nagisa's face flushed in embarrassment, "T-that's all because of you!"

He thought of something and smirked, "From this situation I've also seen a picture of you passed out on the floor and your face completely red!"

Now it was Karma's turn to flush in embarrassment. The rest of the walk was done in silence.

They reached Karma's house and went in.

Karma sat down and asked, "You want to watch a movie or something?"

Nagisa sat down next to him, "No Karma, we have homework."

"Pfft, not doing it."



The two of them got out their homework from their bags: English. Nagisa smiled, "Karma, this won't take either of us long, so we can do whatever you want after, okay?"

Karma looked irritated and finally nodded.

Nagisa had been right, it only took them 15 minutes to finish their work and Nagisa even finished before Karma!

When Karma finished he made popcorn, walked over to the TV and turned it on, Nagisa followed and sat down on the couch. First of all, the news came on and Karma switched channels, fishing, cooking, dancing, music, sport, a weird movie.

Karma sighed and dropped the remote into Nagisa's hands. Nagisa laughed and faced the TV holding the remote. He switched channels and a kids program came on, 'ha, no way...' he clicked again and an anime was on. Nagisa paused and glanced at Karma. He just shrugged.

Nagisa put the remote down and decided, this was the best so far. The show seemed to be about a guy with blue and black hair and a blonde girl.

Nagisa can't figure out what's going on so he checks the TV on what it is called: Yamada-Kun and the seven witches. Nagisa hadn't heard of it before and put the remote down and continued to watch the screen with Karma. It looked like the show had just started.

Nagisa was starting to understand the show when suddenly the main character fell down some stairs and swapped bodies with a girl behind him. Nagisa nearly choked on the popcorn he was eating and instead dropped the bowl of it in his hands.

Nagisa stood up pointing at the screen, "What the hell! This is exactly what happened to us!" Karma didn't know what to say and just sat there.

Nagisa calmed down and the two of them watched the rest of the episode. Karma turned the TV off at the end, "Well, that was weird. Now I feel like my life, right now, is based on some weird anime." (A.N: LOL.)

Nagisa wanted to get the show out of his head and decided to change the subject, "What are we doing for dinner?"

"I was going to take you to a restaurant," Karma answered.

Nagisa blinked, "No, no I don't want you to have to pay for me-!" He put his hands out in front of him.

"I insist."

Before Nagisa could complain again, Karma grabbed him by the arm and pulled him outside. The two of them walked for about 20 minutes until they came to a normal looking restaurant. "I heard the food here was pretty good," Karma explained.

Nagisa nodded slowly, he still felt bad making Karma pay for him. Karma noticed and said, "Oh come on, my parents make heaps of money from their job and send me a lot, I don't mind paying."

Nagisa felt a bit better but couldn't shake the feeling entirely. Karma walked inside, causing the currently taller red read to follow.

The restaurant was quite spacious and Nagisa found it had a comfortable feeling, though he was confused why there was a stage in a restaurant.

The two boys walked to the front desk and a waiter took them to a table. The waiter left leaving them with menus. Nagisa looked over the menu and it didn't seem too overpriced, he was relieved.

Karma took his own menu and read through it, then he put it down and looked at Nagisa.

Nagisa looked up from the menu, "Nagisa, do you want to share something?"

Nagisa looked back at the menu, "Like what?"

"Like, salad or something."

Nagisa found the salad section and nodded, "Okay how about a caesar salad?"

"Mmm, Okay. What else are you going to order?"

"Maybe I'll order their chicken pasta and see if it is as good as yours." Nagisa smiled, 'That would be hard to do.'

The waiter came back and Karma ordered a large caesar salad and a large chicken pasta. (A.N: For anyone that cares it is penne pasta.) The waiter wrote the order and took the menus. When he had left, Nagisa relaxed and leant back in his chair.

"What you getting so comfortable for?" Karma asked.

"I'm just thinking that we can still have a good time at a restaurant while in this strange situation." Nagisa chuckled. Karma smiled and said, "Yeah, I get what you mean... its... weird." He didn't know really what to say.

The two of them talked about school, their friends, the photos taken of them (quickly the topic changed to something else), sport and then finally the food arrived. The two of them ate the food.

Nagisa decided to get some drinks and he got up to ask a waiter. He went to where the kitchen was, there was a desk in front and Nagisa ordered two drinks, lemonade and coke. As Nagisa walked back to his table, he heard singing.

Nagisa turned his head and saw a group of people on the stage doing karaoke, Nagisa was so engrossed that he didn't realise someone was in front of him when he turned to keep walking to his table.

When Nagisa who is currently Karma stepped forward, he ran into someone and dropped the contents of the two cups he was holding onto them.

The person fell down and Nagisa apologised immediately, then realised who exactly he had spilt the drinks on.

The victim of the incident looked up in anger and when he saw who had spilt the drinks on him, got even angrier. "What the hell Akabane, can't you watch where you're going?!"

Nagisa was a bit surprised to be called that, then he remembered his situation. Nagisa saw what he had just done, he had spilt drinks on the son of the chairman of the school he attended: Gakushu Asano, Karma's rival.

I actually haven't watched Yamada-Kun and the seven witches so if I got any of that wrong, sorry. So anyway Asano won't be a main character he just might be in a few of the next chapters. So please comment and stay tuned for more. 

(DISCONTINUED) Switch Time- assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now