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I got a bit stuck when I wrote this chapter but I got it done in the end. Hope you like. :) A few more characters appear in this chapter. I'm sorry for the shortness, I really don't know what to add to it...


Camp night 1: (The afternoon of the current day counts as the first day of the camp; just so people aren't confused)

Nagisa had been placed on a makeshift bed of pillows, due to the obvious lack of actual beds in the classroom.

Nagisa as Karma had been unconscious for about 10 minutes since he collapsed from embarrassment due to Karma as himself cross-dressing in front of the whole class.

He had been incredibly angry at the two troublemakers of the class (Nakamura and Karma) but he wasn't able to get at them since he had passed out from embarrassment.

Nagisa in Karma's body slowly opened his eyes, there were a few people around him; Sugino, Kayano, Isogai and Okuda. The four of them were looking at Sugino's phone and Nagisa wondered what they were looking at. Okuda saw Nagisa in Karma's body wake up, "Oh you're up, are you feeling okay?" Nagisa sat up and answered, "Y-yeah, I'm feeling fine." Nagisa was curious about the phone, "Um, what are you guys looking at?"

Sugino put his phone in front of him since he had been showing Kayano, "Well when Karma cross-dressed as you and you made his face go red..." He turned his phone around and passed it to Nagisa while smirking. On the screen was a picture of Karma's face all red and looking embarrassed. Nagisa thought to himself, 'HA, their plan backfired. Me crossdressed was not the only thing the class took pictures of.'

Sugino continued, "But the main highlight was still you cross-dressed." He swiped the screen and a picture of Nagisa crossdressed came up, his expression confused (it was when Karma saw Nakamura taking photos of Nagisa in Karma's body for the embarrassed face.)

"Girls clothes really suit you," Sugino added while smirking. Nagisa in Karma's body looked up from the screen to look at Sugino, his face was starting to go red again. Nagisa wanted to change the subject so he asked what the time was, Sugino answered after looking at his phone, "About 6:50 pm." The rest of the class were in their normal friend groups and they were deciding where to sleep, they each had a mat, a blanket and a pillow.

Nagisa noticed some people were pillow-less and realised it must have been because they gave theirs to him for the pillow sort of bed he was lying on. Nagisa got up and handed all the pillows back to their owners, as Nagisa looked around the room he saw Karma in Nagisa's body still trying to get the phone off Nakamura, chasing after her and grabbing at the phone. Nakamura just giggled and ran away holding the phone in the air tauntingly. After Nagisa had no more pillows except his own, he went back to his group of friends and asked what that was about.

Isogai answered, "Nakamura made a blog and posted all the pictures of you and Karma there." Sugino showed his phone and it had the blog with the pictures on it. Isogai continued, "If Karma gets that phone and deletes the blog, the photos will delete as well and no one will be able to see them anymore, that's what he's trying to do."

Nagisa laughed, "Good luck to him, he's going to need it." The rest of the day went by and it had become time to go to sleep. Nagisa in Karma's body was next to Sugino and Maehara, the class had been split in half, one side for the girls, the other for the boys.

About an hour later everyone was asleep except Nakamura and Okajima. Nakamura had been waiting for the boys to fall asleep and Okajima had waited for the girls. They both got up at the same time holding their phones to get photos of the class sleeping. The two of them had planned this together, for Nakamura: she wanted blackmail material and pictures for comic relief, for Okajima: he's a pervert what do you expect?


What do the pictures look like? You'll have to wait and see! Chapter 4: day 2 of the camp. P.S: the next chapter will explain a bit about the switching bodies stuff and the sleeping photos won't be revealed until a bit later. Hope you enjoyed!

EDIT: I'm sorry this is so short but I don't really know what to add to it. :P Next chapter should be longer. Promise!

(DISCONTINUED) Switch Time- assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now