More challenges

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I'm so sorry for the lack of updates. I've been super busy and I haven't had any motivation to write. Besides this part of the story is boring and I got bored of it. I want to get past it quickly now. So here we go.

Also for people who have forgotten in the last chapter, we had the school challenges continue and it is now lunch time. We had the singing challenge, the relay race and the basketball shooting challenge. So on with the chapter!

Nagisa and Karma walked out of the gym together, they were being cautious about the fact that they couldn't be more than 100m away from each other. Nagisa and Karma were talking about some new movies. All of class 3-E were walking together and they wanted to get out of the crowds quickly and eat lunch.

Karma, Nagisa and Sugino were sitting together when Gakushuu Asano came up to them and requested to talk to Karma and Nagisa. Nagisa looked at Karma and the two of them got up to talk with Asano. The strawberry blond led them behind one of the classroom buildings, where no one else was around.

Asano turned around once they stopped walking, "You two are still switched right?" Nagisa nodded his head. "Why are you participating in events then?! Couldn't someone else find out? What if you get hurt?" Karma smirked, "Aww, is the president worried for us?" Asano grit his teeth, "Listen here, Shio- Akabane. I'm only concerned because it is could cause trouble for the school. Don't forget that."

Karma was still smirking, "I'm still going to win in all the events I participate in and I'll win against you." Nagisa shook his head towards Karma and then looked at Asano, "Uh, thank you for caring Asano." Asano mumbled something about it being fine, then said, "I should get back to my friends." The three of them walked back to the main area and were about to go their separate ways when Karma whispered to Asano, "I'll look forward to seeing your class lose~."

Asano whipped around and grabbed Karma shirt, "We're not going to lose. I'm going to beat you and your classmates, just you wait and see!" People started looking at the two of them. Nagisa could hear whispers like, "Did Asano just try to intimidate that tiny blue haired girl?"

"What did she do to him?"

"Isn't that Nagisa Shiota?"

"Oh, he's in E class. It doesn't matter."

Nagisa sighed. The main building people were so annoying. Nagisa tapped Karma on the shoulder, "Hey Nagisa we should get going now." Nagisa reminded Karma of two things; that he was missing time eating lunch and that he was currently having his rivalry with Asano in his body. Karma turned around and started to walk away with Nagisa. They continued to eat lunch. Karma finished eating and decided to buy some strawberry milk from a vending machine.

He left and went to get it. He paid the machine and was going to take the box when he was turned around suddenly and pushed against the wall. Karma cringed and opened his eyes, he was greeted with a couple of guys who didn't look happy at all. One of them spoke up, "Hey Nagisa, what's with you and the school president eh? What did you do to upset him that much, you better not have insulted him." The boy bumped his fist into his other opened palm. Karma looked up unimpressed, 'Was that supposed to be intimidating?'

Karma knew better than to beat the guys up, he wouldn't do that to Nagisa if he had been himself though he would have beat them all straight away. Karma was racking his brain to come up with an idea to get the guys away from him. He remembered Nagisa's bloodlust, perhaps he could use that. Karma looked at the floor then looked up, he tried to will as much as possible for him to release some of Nagisa's killing intent. It seemed to work, the guys, first of all, stepped back but when Karma looked each in the eye they ran off in fear.

(DISCONTINUED) Switch Time- assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now