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Oh, I just realised I spelt Asano's name wrong, sorry people, it's meant to have double u at the end right? I'll fix it this time. So Nagisa has spilt two drinks on Asano, but Asano thinks he's Karma.
Dun Dun Duuuun! I would like to thank all my readers because they are who I write for so anyway here is chapter 9. For this beginning part it's going to switch between Asano and no one's POV, sorry, it is much easier to write it this way.

Nagisa as Karma could not believe what he had just done, talk about the worst person to spill drinks on.

Gakushuu's POV

I looked up at Karma.

'After I had fallen down, I had yelled at him, but now that I think about it didn't he apologise when he spilt the drinks? If that's true, then something is definitely wrong. Karma would never apologise to me, maybe he didn't see me at first. Wow, he looks kind of scared, it's probably just shock.'

I shook my arms to the sides of me to get some of the soft drink off of them. 'I am so pissed right now, why the hell did he have to show up?

He's looking at me weirdly, he's acting differently to normal.


Someone is coming over here... is that... Nagisa Shiota?'

No one's POV

Karma as Nagisa had heard someone yelling at someone in the restaurant and Nagisa still wasn't back yet. Karma thought something was wrong and got up to go look for him.

He headed towards the drink place and from the distance he saw Nagisa who is currently Karma, standing next to someone on the floor who Karma couldn't help but laugh at seeing covered in the soft drink.

'Asano must think that's me.' Karma thought to himself. As Karma thought that, Gakushuu saw Karma as Nagisa and knew that they had to be here together. Karma realised that he would have to act like Nagisa and hoped that the current redhead hadn't blown it already.

'This will be fun.' He resisted from smirking, due to a certain person covered in drink watching.

Karma walked over to the two boys and stood next to Nagisa. Nagisa looked at him with a sort of look that could have meant, 'Help me!'

Karma smiled as sweetly as he could, trying to mimic Nagisa's usual smile. It seemed to work and apologised to Asano. Asano, of course, thought that Karma was Nagisa and calmed down a bit at the sweet nature of the blue haired boy in front of him.

Nagisa was taken back at first when Karma came and apologised. He even had to try not to laugh, it was hard though and Karma had seen him struggle to keep his mouth shut.

Karma had noticed and quickly glanced at him while glaring, but quickly changed his expression to avoid Asano seeing, he hadn't succeeded though.

Karma decides to take advantage of the situation and do something he wouldn't be able to do normally. He pointed his finger at Nagisa and shook it forward slightly creating a 'bad' gesture, making it look like he was telling him off. "Karma, you should be watching where you're walking."

Nagisa finally understands what Karma is trying to do and decides to play along, pretending to be Karma.

"It's not my fault, he was in the way~!" Nagisa says while pointing at Asano on the floor, while Nagisa says this he feels bad accusing it of being Asano's fault when it was his, but Karma would have blamed Asano regardless, so he had to go along with this. "This person here should have been paying attention."

Asano senses a slight hesitation when Nagisa/Karma says this and wonders why they are both acting so strange.

Karma was desperately trying not to laugh at Nagisa interpretation of himself.

(DISCONTINUED) Switch Time- assassination classroomWhere stories live. Discover now