The Calling - Chapter 1

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Set in the post-war anime world of Gundam Wing, six months after the war's end. While settling into their new civilian lives, the Gundam pilots and some of their wartime comrades come together for a week-long vacation at Quatre's Mansion, where Heero reveals a secret from his dark and somewhat cruel past.

This unexpected revelation has a powerful impact on his friends, ultimately uniting them in a quest to bring about a final reconciliation and healing...

Chapter 1

Temperatures were high that day. The sun blazed with graceful intensity between wisps of cloud that sparsely peppered the sky.

Quatre was used to the heat, being Arabian, and having spent half his young life in the dessert, he thought nothing of the near ninety-degree heat. Sally, however, was finding it just a little too warm to be completely comfortable, but she wasn't complaining; She had been looking forward to this day for what felt like an eternity.

During the final months of the war, Quatre and Sally had become good friends, nothing romantic, just a really solid friendship between two young people trying their best to cope with the tribulations and horrors of the war. They had discovered a certain level of comfort in each other's company, and found themselves regularly sharing thoughts and worries other over a soothing cup of tea.

They had often talked about having a day out together once the war was over, and now, six months after the war's end, they had finally managed to find the time to do it.

For Sally, this was also to be the start of a short vacation. She had agreed to be Quatre's guest at the Winner mansion for a week after finally admitting she was feeling stressed and in need of a break from her hectic, high-pressure life as a civilian doctor.

They'd decided a trip to the coast seemed fitting for such a beautiful day, so armed with a picnic, a Rolls Royce and Quatre's faithful butler, James, doing the driving, they headed out from the mansion to a location known by very few people.  Thirty minutes later, after winding along numerous scenic country lanes, they pulled up beside an old wooden gate in what seemed like the middle of nowhere.

"I do believe this is the location Master Quatre," spoke James, applying the handbrake.

Quatre leaned forward and scrutinised the gate through Sally's side window. "Yes, this is it, James. Oh, I remember it so well." He spoke quietly as thoughts of happier moments from his childhood flooded through his mind. 

Sally peered curiously out of the window at the field and woodland beyond the gate.

"You've been here before?"

Quatre nodded, "Many times when I was a boy," he replied, contemplating further into his memories. "My father used to bring my sisters and I, here whenever he had the chance.  It's so beautiful here," he whispered. He visualised himself as a child, playing games like hide and seek, and tag with his sisters, play-wrestling with his father, running barefoot across nearby open meadows flying a kite and swimming in the secret lagoon and ocean nearby.

The Calling  (Audiobook) (A Gundam Wing Fanfic Novel)Where stories live. Discover now