The Calling - Chapter 20

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Heavy storm clouds loomed over the Winner mansion as night drew in, and by eleven O'clock, a powerful thunderstorm was raging across the region. After a day filled with enjoyable activities and lots of fresh air, many of the group had gone to bed a little earlier that night.

Not wanting to risk a repeat of events from a few nights previous, Heero decided to wait-out the storm in Fumio's room. He quietly crept in and settled into one of the armchairs on the far side of the room. There he slouched, half dozing, half awake, making sure he was there in the event his brother decided to have another startled reaction and run off again.

Not long after settling down, Heero cracked open one eye as he heard the door to the room quietly open. In the dim light from the table lamp left on, he could see Noin and Wufei creeping in. They didn't notice him at first. They quietly closed the door behind them and padded toward the area where Heero was sitting.

As their eyes adjusted to the darkness, they both suddenly saw him.

"Heero?" Noin whispered, sounding a little surprised.

"What's up guys?" he replied equally as quietly.

"We were both a bit worried, you know, after what happened the other night when it thundered."

Heero nodded and confirmed he was there for the same reason.

They quietly pulled-up chairs and sat next to him, just a few feet away from where the young monk was sleeping soundly. There they engaged in light, whispered conversation for a couple of hours until the storm passed. Then eventually Wufei and Noin went back to their rooms.

It was daylight when Heero awoke with a jolt, after a dream-intense sleep. Taking a moment to get his bearings, he realised he was still sat on the chair in Fumio's room. He quickly noticed he'd been covered over with a blanket.

Still a little disoriented, his eyes glanced across the room to the bed. It was empty, the covers thrown open to one side.  Suddenly his heart quickened as a flashback of two nights ago rushed through his mind's-eye. He sprang unsteadily to his feet with urgency, dropping the blanket to the floor.

"Fumio!" he suddenly called, looking anxiously toward the windows.

"I'm right here, Heero," came a quiet, reassuring reply.

He span around to see Fumio sat cross-legged on the floor in the corner of the room. He was peering up from an old-looking book that he'd been reading for the past hour or so.

Heero sighed in obvious relief and began to calm down.

Fumio observed him, his expression calm but concerned.

Heero glanced back toward the window near his armchair. He wandered over to it and drew the curtains open, peering wearily out at the new day.

"Heero, you look really tired, you should go and get some sleep in a proper bed," suggested Fumio quietly.

Heero shook his head negatively, and then yawned.

"No, it's okay, I'll be fine," he replied tiredly, still staring out toward the distant mountains.

After mulling something over in his mind, Fumio put his book down, stood up and ambled over to stand beside his brother at the window.

He hesitated for a moment before speaking.  "Heero, is everything all right?" He asked in a whispered, concerned voice.

Heero peeled his eyes away from the view and looked at Fumio.

"I was surprised to find you in here when I woke up," continued Fumio. He reached up and gently gripped the elbow of Heero's sleeve.

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