The Calling - Chapter 7

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The room remained silent after Heero had finished talking as everyone began to slowly digest the terrible things they had just been told. Nobody was crying any more. The tears of earlier had either turned to anger and resentment toward the foundation, or had just dried up into an unhappy numbness, but in all of the negative emotion, there seemed to be a sense of relief that things had eventually turned out right in the end.

Everyone also realised that Heero's last statement was correct, and hideous though it may have seemed, his and Fumio's experiences really had, if a little indirectly, saved the fate of the Earth.

"Somebody please say something," suggested Duo after the quiet went on past a minute, "this silence is unnerving."

"I just think we're all a little in shock," suggested Quatre, "I'm sure everyone here has wondered at some point about what your past was really like, Heero, I just don't think anyone was expecting it to be quite so, tragic."

Hilde spoke up quietly, "I've got this image burned into my mind, of that permanent, terrified look on Fumio's face. I can't shake it off."

Noin sighed heavily, "That poor kid," she uttered quietly as she exhaled.

"And poor you too, Heero," added Sally softly, reaching up and rubbing her hand sympathetically on his shoulder.

"Don't go worrying about me," replied Heero softly, "I came through this just fine."

"What about your brother Heero?" asked Trowa, "Should we be worried about him?"

Suddenly Heero felt awkward. It was the one question he was hoping wouldn't be asked. The answer to Trowa's question was yes, but Heero was not ready to make that information known. He had a plan in place to address the problem with minimum fuss, and in his mind, the fewer people who knew about it, the better.

Quatre was quick to pick up on Heero's sudden trepidation at Trowa's question. He could see he was a little trapped by it. He had suspected there was more going on than Heero had originally told him about the 'personal issues' Fumio needed to address, but he was careful not push for answers. Quatre knew the only way Heero would accept his, or anyone else's help, would be if Heero actually asked for it.

Quatre cleared his throat, he knew he needed to steer the conversation away from Trowa's question before Heero got defensive. "Guys, I think we should be conscious of how we react to Fumio when we see him tomorrow," he suggested to the group, redirecting the subject.

Heero looked at Quatre, immediately realising what his Arabian friend was doing. He was grateful.

Sally added her voice to Quatre's, oblivious to what Quatre had just done.

"I agree," she said, "it won't be a good thing if we go making a big fuss over Fumio, or we start acting differently toward him from how we were today."

Quatre nodded, agreeing with her, "I wouldn't mention any of this to him at all, unless of course, he asks or brings up the subject himself, then just be truthful, you don't need to hide anything," he continued, "but just be diplomatic and thoughtful with your replies."

The gathering continued for another hour or so before they decided to call it a night. Quatre was the last one to leave the room a few minutes after everyone had ascended the stairs and retired to their rooms.

As he turned off the light and entered the hallway, he noticed Heero stood at the bottom of the large sweeping stairway propping himself against the curling banister rail.

"You okay Heero?" he asked as he wandered toward the stairs.

Heero nodded affirmatively, "Thanks for bailing me out back there from Trowa's question," he said in a subdued, appreciative tone.

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