The Calling - Chapter 10

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The sun beat a pleasant warmth upon Wufei as he strolled towards the large oak tree by the lake. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment, taking note of the life all around him, the birds in the trees, the fish occasionally jumping on the surface of the lake, the tall Grey Heron standing on the bank not far from his position and the wild deer stalking timidly amongst the long grass of the fallow meadows a little way off to his right.

Since doing the meditation ritual Wufei had noticed his general awareness and receptiveness had sharpened very noticeably. Colours appeared brighter; sounds were louder, and subtle smells seemed stronger. He noted the intricate sounds made by the small wildlife and insects he had only very recently realised were all around him. Even the sun itself felt as if was radiating a harmonious hum that he could somehow detect deep inside his mind.

Fumio was sat cross-legged and upright. He appeared to be deep in meditation as Wufei approached. The boy had discarded his footwear and was sat barefoot on the soft grass. The sword he had borrowed lay beside him on the ground next to his sneakers.

Saying nothing, Wufei crouched and sat quietly on the ground next to the boy, observing him for a moment before closing his own eyes. He took a breath and quietly began contemplating all that the day had brought to him.

"Today has been a good day," he thought to himself.

Moments later his thoughts were disturbed by a strange but quiet sound.

He opened his eyes. The sound came again. It was Fumio quietly snoring.

The sides of Wufei's mouth turned upward as he realised the boy was not meditating at all but was fast asleep.  He realised he must have been completely exhausted from leading the ritual earlier.

Wufei felt a need to leave him alone, but he realised Quatre had been right with his concerns. He could see Fumio's exposed skin was clearly going red where he'd been in the sun too long.

Wufei weighed up in his mind whether to wake him,  before eventually reaching out and very gently placing his hand on Fumio's shoulder, quietly calling his name.

Fumio took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes. He looked tiredly at Wufei, rubbing one eye with the heel of his hand.

Wufei smiled. "Hey," he said softly, "you okay? Fumio-Chan?"

Fumio took a few moments to answer before he tiredly nodded.

"Sorry about waking you up, but you're getting sunburned. You really should move into shade."

Wufei pointed to the adjacent area still shaded by the tree under which they were sat.

Fumio nodded, still looking half-asleep, "Okay," was the simple, tired reply. He proceeded to shuffle a few feet sideways into the shaded area.

Wufei moved across and sat beside him. "How do you feel after the ritual?" he asked.

Fumio rubbed his eyes again. "I feel good thanks, Wufei-san, but I can't believe how tired I am now," he mumbled, still trying to get his bearings.

"Maybe you should go to your room and get some sleep," he suggested.

Fumio shook his head negatively, "I don't want to waste a beautiful day like this," he whispered, his voice sounding a little croaky, "I'd much rather be outside."

Wufei nodded, understanding. He prepared to stand up again.

"I'll leave you to rest some more," he said, not wishing to intrude into the monk's space or solitude any more than necessary.

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