The Calling - Chapter 5

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The informal gathering continued into the evening, but at around ten O'clock, Relena had to start her journey back to the Sanc Kingdom. Running a Nation was no easy feat and with the end of the war, her life had become unbelievably busy. One day was all the time she could afford.

Catherine also had to return home where she would be performing the next night, so they decided to make the first part of their journey together.

Everyone gathered in the main entrance hall to see them off, taking it in turns to say their goodbyes.

"Relena, I still can't believe you came all this way," said Sally as they hugged, "I'm so grateful."

"Are you kidding Sally," replied Relena, "I wouldn't have missed this for the world."

"I do hope we can meet again soon," replied Sally.

"You know you're welcome in the Sanc kingdom at any time," suggested Relena.

Everyone made their way outside, down the floodlit stone steps to Quatre's awaiting Rolls Royce that was ready to take Catherine home, and Relena to the airport.  As the car drove away, everyone waved and called until it disappeared into the darkness.

Slowly, the remaining group meandered back up the steps and into the house. They would all be staying at the mansion that night, and for the whole week.   They had all made the effort to treat the get-together as a short holiday, the first break many of them had had for years.

"Let's meet back in the lounge," suggested Quatre, "I've arranged hot milk toddies."

In the Hallway, Heero caught up with Fumio who was walking beside Noin and Trowa. He put his arm around the boy's neck and gently grappled him into a playful headlock, rubbing his knuckles on the top of his head as they walked. Fumio laughed out loudly.

"And you, you little monk," said Heero lightheartedly, "you're going to bed, it's way past your bedtime."

"Okay Heero," came the muffled reply.

"Have you seen your room yet Fumio?" asked Quatre, hearing Heero's comments.

Heero let go and the boy looked up at Quatre, still grinning. He shook his head negatively while pulling his ruffled shirt straight.

"C'mon, I'll show you where it is," replied Quatre, making a detour toward the stairs. Fumio and Heero followed.

"Oh, are you off to bed now Fumio?" asked Noin sounding slightly disappointed.

He nodded.

The group stopped walking as words of 'goodnight' and 'sleep well' were called out. He stopped and turned back to the group smiling.

"Goodnight, it was lovely to meet you," he said quietly, then began scanning his eyes around the group for Sally. On spotting her, he stepped back down the stairs and stood before her gently taking her by the hands.

"I really do hope you had a wonderful birthday Miss Sally," he said beaming a warm smile at her.

Sally smiled back at him compassionately, "Aw thank you, that's so sweet of you Fumio-chan," she replied, touched by his gesture. "I've a wonderful day," she replied, gently squeezing his hands back, "and it was made more special by getting to meet you."

Fumio, still smiling, gestured for a hug, and Sally happily reciprocated, "I'll see you in the morning," she spoke softly to him as they embraced, "sweet dreams."

Fumio gently moved away and began climbing the stairs once more to where Quatre and Heero were waiting a few steps up.

The group waved and called goodnight again, then turned to continue their short walk toward the lounge where James the butler was preparing hot milk toddies, a firm favourite with anyone who had ever stayed at the Winner household.

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