The Calling - Chapter 18

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After such a late night, it was gone seven AM before Fumio woke up.

He dressed into his jogging bottoms and white t-shirt and headed downstairs. None of the others appeared to be up, but on reaching the kitchen he found Heero sat quietly at the table, a mug of coffee in front of him.

"Good morning Heero" he chirped, smiling.

Heero looked tired. He nodded, then gestured for Fumio to sit down as he had something important he needed to discuss.

Quietly, Heero explained about what he had told the others the night before, and that Fumio's gifts were no longer a secret to them. At first, Fumio seemed surprised, as it was something Heero was always so vehemently guarded about, but when he explained his reasoning, it began to make more sense. Fumio agreed he had little choice but to tell them. He was also relieved and could feel an invisible weight lifting from his shoulders; he had truly hated keeping the others in the dark. No matter what reasoning Heero and the other monks had given him about not telling anyone, it had always made him feel like a fraud. Lying was not something he did easily, or willingly. At times during the past few days, he'd felt so deceptive he could barely look them in the eye, particularly Wufei and Noin, both of whom had shown him so much kindness.

After thanking Heero for telling him, Fumio left the house and headed off down the huge lawn toward the lake. He had decided to do some exercise and perhaps meditate by the water for a while.

It was going to be another beautiful day. The bright morning sun made him squint as he stepped out from the shadow of the mansion building and onto the slightly dew-damp grass. The air was fresh, but not cold and he could feel the heat of the sun warm his back as he calmly meandered down the lawn.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, feeling good. A broad smile appeared on his face as he opened his eyes and looked ahead to the vast snow-peaked mountain range that lay ahead on the distant horizon. The mountains were radiating the stunning shades of blue and pink that could only be seen in nature early in the morning.

"This is just beautiful," he thought quietly to himself, "I am so happy to be here." He felt exhilarated as he continued to absorb the splendour and magnificence of his surroundings.

As he neared the lake, he caught sight of an animated figure stood on the far side of the boathouse. They were dressed in white and facing out across the plains toward the mountains; it was Wufei.  From his slow, smooth scrolling movements Fumio could see he was performing a Tai Chi routine.

Moments later the young monk was stood silently not far away from his Chinese friend. Uncertain if the closed-eyed Wufei knew he was there, Fumio began moving synchronously in time, joining him in the moving meditation.

They continued the routine for a short while before Fumio suddenly sensed something intrusive in his mind. He stopped and looked towards the Chinese boy.

Wufei was still doing the Tai Chi movements but was staring silently at him, his face frowning and serious. There was no greeting or acknowledgement.

Fumio suddenly felt troubled, "Wufei?" he gasped quietly, "you're... you're really mad at me, aren't you."

Wufei did not respond immediately; he continued to make the long sweeping movements with his hands, but continuing to look sternly at Fumio.

Eventually, he spoke.

"Was it fun?" he asked, his voice suggesting annoyance, even anger.

Fumio tilted his head to one side, "I don't understand."

"Was it fun?!" he snapped again, interrupting the boy, his voice now showing genuine anger, "did you enjoy playing your little mind-tricks on me? Your game of messing with my mind?"

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