The Calling - Chapter 6

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By the time Heero had arrived downstairs, the others had gathered in the lounge. On entering the room he was immediately handed a warm milk toddy by James the Butler who was just preparing to exit the room pushing a large serving trolley. Heero thanked him with a nod and went on into the room to join the others who were sat around in a large group chatting.

Noin was the first one to speak to him; "Just three words Heero," she said cryptically.

Heero looked at her blankly.

"He, is, adorable!" she beamed.

"Yes, apparently Heero, your score on the girls 'cute-o-meter' is nowhere near as high as his." remarked Trowa.

"None of our scores are!" mewled Duo, pretending to be sad, "It's, it's just so damn depressing!" he sobbed into his hands for a few moments, then looked up grinning.

"You are incorrigible," sighed Heero in a dry tone. He sat down, nestling on one on the sofas between Hilde and Sally and put his drink on the small table in front of them. "Oh, Noin," he grinned, "it seems you may have gained an admirer."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Fumio asked if you wouldn't mind, 'tucking him in'?"

A beaming smile appeared on Noin's face. "Oh, that's just so sweeeet!" She squealed, looking at sally and Hilde who were grinning.  The girls all leaned in towards each other, simultaneously chanting "Awww!" 

They giggled impishly as Noin bounced to her feet like a puppy and headed for the door.

Heero frowned and leaned back in the seat folding his arms. He looked up at the ceiling, tutting, shaking his head from side to side. "I've never been able to understand all that giggly girly stuff," he grumbled.

Wufei looked at him with a straight face and nodded, agreeing with the sentiment.

"Come on Heero," said Sally, slipping her arm under his and pulling herself closer, "you've got to admit, your little brother really is quite adorable."

"Yeah, so how come you're nothing like him Heero?" asked Duo in a wisecrack.

"Oh, very funny Duo," replied Heero, instantly picking up on Duo's insult.

"Actually Heero," piped up Hilde, "cuteness jokes aside, you two don't look related. Brothers normally have at least a few similar features like hair colour, facial features, or the colour of their eyes."

Heero paused for a moment, then picked up his mug of milk and sipped from it.

"Well, I guess that's because we don't have the same parents," he replied hesitantly.

"But you said you were brothers?" said Duo.

"We are, well, maybe stepbrothers I guess would be more accurate, but it doesn't matter. As far as we're both concerned, it's irrelevant we're not related by blood."

"So you had the same step-parents?" asked Wufei.

Heero sat back in the seat with a slightly pondering expression, "Parents.... hmm," he mumbled cryptically.

The others watched him with interest, keen to know what he meant by that.

After more mulling over in his mind, he eventually answered.

"It's... complicated."

The others continued to look at him in anticipation of an explanation.


They continued to look at him, still expecting an answer.

"You want me to tell you?!" he asked in a raised tone.

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