The Calling - Chapter 22 (Final)

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For several minutes Fumio continued to stare at the stone as if locked in a deep-thought conversation with it. The smile never left his face.

Eventually, the artefact's glow began to fade until it became dormant once again.

Fumio seemed to come out of his trance-like state with a contented sigh.

"Wow!" he gasped quietly.

"What just happened there Fumio?" asked Noin.

Fumio looked up at her, "They were communicating with me" he beamed, "it was incredible!" his voice became excited, "and I think they've just somehow given me some new information. It's like it's just been uploaded it into my head. It's so strange, but I feel like I know a lot of the answers to everything that's happening here."

"You wanna fill us in a little?" asked Duo, "because frankly, I've been confused from the moment our orange-robed friends arrived.  How can a stone communicate with you? Do you mean, like, a little guy is living inside it or something?"

Fumio grinned, "Not quite Duo-san, it's hard to describe, but I think I've got a basic understanding of it..."

The room quietened down as he began to explain. The monks seemed as keen to hear his words as the Gundam gang were.

"I think the Stone is a bit like a radio receiver and transmitter, except I think it intersects all space and time in the universe."

There were several whispered murmurs as he explained.

"I know this is going to sound very strange, but while I was concentrating on it just now, I could hear what felt like other consciousnesses intercepting with my own thoughts. It was like they were trying to reach out to me so they could communicate with me."

His face frowned as he concentrated hard, trying to put into words the amazing new thoughts and ideas now swimming around in his head.

"I'm sorry, this is hard to explain in words, but..." He looked up at the Gundam Group, "but there is another who might be able to explain it better than I can."

"What do you mean?" Asked Duo.

Fumio peeled his eyes towards Quatre. "I believe Mr Quatre knows what I'm talking about."

Suddenly all eyes were on Quatre.

"Me?" he looked confused, "I don't understand, how could I know?"

Fumio did not reply but just looked back at him, nodding slightly, urging him to think carefully.

"Wait a minute," suddenly gasped Quatre, "do you mean the... the heart of space?" he asked in a gasped whisper.

Fumio nodded, "They told me that you were capable of sensing some things related to this," replied Fumio, "what do you mean by the heart of space?"

Quatre thought for a moment, "Well, the heart of space is the name I've given to a feeling I sometimes get whenever something major or significant happens." he replied.

"Can you describe it more?" asked Fumio.

Quatre nodded. "It sounds a bit silly, but it's as if all things are inextricably linked throughout nature. Whenever something significant happens, it's as if there is a ripple, a kind of shockwave that resonates across the whole universe."

Fumio smiled, "It's not silly at all," he replied, "what you're saying is the same as this new information that seems to be in my head."

"Really?" gasped Quatre looking surprised.

Fumio nodded, "I think what you've been able to sense is of a similar nature to what I just sensed from the stone. The only difference is, that what you can sense Quatre-San, is the resonance of the entire cosmic consciousness. What I seemed to have sensed coming from the stone was just a very small number of selective consciences."

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