The Calling - Chapter 2

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Sally opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times. As she saw what lay before them, her face lit up with astonishment. She exhaled a loud gasp beaming a huge, wondrous smile.

"It's... beautiful!" she gasped.

They stood, elevated, on the edge of a sloped, circular clearing in the forest. Nestled on the forest floor below them was a small lagoon, its emerald-tinted water sparkling in the sunlight. On the far side of the lagoon was a sheer cliff-face that towered high above them down which cascaded one of the most beautiful natural waterfalls she had ever seen.

Colourful, tropical-looking plants and lush green, wild vegetation dominated the entire scene. Blossom seemed to grow everywhere in abundance, particularly in deep reds, yellows, and whites, with the sweet smell of nectar being carried throughout the entire area by the subtlest breeze.

"It's a paradise!" she gasped, her jaw agape, still struggling to find the words.

"We used to call it the secret lagoon," said Quatre quietly smiling, still looking out across this heavenly place.

Suddenly a movement caught his eye. He quickly pointed to a large flowering bush growing out of the sloping ground below them.

"Look, there!" he whispered excitedly, his face beaming in wonder.

A small, fantastically colourful bird with a long bill skilfully hovered around the foliage, delicately poking its head into each of the trumpet like flowers for a few seconds, before moving on to the next.

Sally looked back at Quatre, her face radiating joy, "A humming bird," she beamed excitedly, "I've never seen one in the wild before."

Quatre began to feel a warm glow inside as the memories from the better days of his childhood continued to come flooding back. Seeing Sally's reaction was a bonus. He was so happy that she could see why this place was so special to him, and even more happy she was so touched by its beauty and mystique.

They could have stood there all day, continuing to be awe-struck by its beauty, but Quatre was keen to explore further, curious to what other memories he could stir up. He scooped his arm under hers and pulled close to her side.

"Come on Sal, let's go down there."

They negotiated their way down the sometimes, precarious slope, until they stepped from the shadows into the warm sunlight that filled the clearing. The whole place was glowing with radiance and life.

Soon they were stood at the edge of the small lagoon shore, staring in awe at the cascading waterfall towering above them.

"The water looks so inviting." She tugged at Quatre's arm, "Come on Cat, Let's go for a paddle."

Minutes later after discarding their rucksacks, boots and socks, they were stood barefoot in the crystal clear, warm water. Sally began exploring, following the shoreline to see how near she could get to the waterfall before the water got too deep. Quatre stayed put, just standing near to where they had first entered the water. 

He stared down at his submerged toes as memories of his childhood came flooding back to him again. He recollected himself being about six or seven years old and standing in almost the very same spot, looking curiously down at his small feet being magnified and distorted by the crystal clear water, his first practical lesson in the laws of light refraction.

As he drifted further into his memories he could subconsciously hear the laughter of his sisters playfully swimming and splashing around in the water. On the bank sat his father, relaxing, and watching over his children as they played in this paradise without a care in the world.

The Calling  (Audiobook) (A Gundam Wing Fanfic Novel)Where stories live. Discover now