The Calling - Chapter 13

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Hilde stayed with Heero a while longer before heading off downstairs.

Heero then finally took a shower and found himself some dry clothes, simultaneously allowing himself more time to reflect on what had happened that night, and how he was going to approach the others in his quest for help.

Half an hour later, he'd made his way back downstairs.

It was just after five-thirty in the morning and was getting light outside. The terrible thunderstorm from earlier had cleared and another fine day looked to be in prospect.  Heero could hear talking voices coming from the lounge, so he quietly opened the door and walked in.

Most of the group were there, sat around on several of the large sofas, quietly discussing the unfortunate events of the night. The only people missing were Sally and Quatre.

"Hey Heero," came the subdued, almost sombre greetings in staggered unison from most in the room.

"You okay Heero?" asked Noin, her tone suggesting a sympathetic concern.

Heero looked back at Noin and nodded appreciatively, noticing Fumio laying on the sofa beside her with his head resting in her lap. The boy was fast asleep.

Saying nothing, Heero silently walked over and crouched down beside his kid brother, checking on him.

Fumio had clearly taken a bath or shower and looked a lot more comfortable. He was wearing warm, dry clothes; a grey fleece hoodie, soft grey jogging bottoms and thick white cotton socks.

His right forearm was bandaged neatly from wrist to elbow, and he bore some rather sore-looking scratches across his body including his face and neck.

Noin was affectionately caressing her fingers through his soft hair as he slept.

"How is he?" asked Heero quietly.

"Physically, Sal says he's going to be just fine, though she suggested he might be left with a bit of a scar on his arm," she replied in a whispered voice, "but psychologically..." she shrugged, implying an unknown element.

Heero was hoping for a more positive answer but was grateful for the truth.

He looked down again at the sleeping boy for a few contemplative moments. "Thank you for looking after him Noin, I appreciate it," he spoke quietly.

She nodded.

Where's Sally, by the way?" he asked gently, scanning his eyes around the room, "I must thank her too."

"Sal went back to bed for a few hours," replied Wufei.

"Yeah she was so tired and stressed," added Duo.

"We all suggested she went back to bed earlier, but she was very reluctant to," added Noin, "she wanted to monitor Fumio, for at least a few more hours."

"The only way we could persuade her to go, was by promising we'd all keep an eye on him ourselves," added Wufei, "and that we'd wake her if there was any change in his condition."

Heero listened, nodding appreciatively.

Suddenly, the side door of the room opened, and Quatre stepped through carrying a tray of hot drinks.

"Oh, Hey Heero," he greeted, also in a relatively sombre voice, "you okay?"

Heero nodded.

"There's a mug of tea here for you," he said, placing the tray on a table in the centre of the room, "just help yourselves guys."

Quatre was acknowledged with several nods of appreciation and thanks.

"So, Heero," said Duo reaching forward and taking a mug from the tray, "you wanna tell us what happened here tonight? maybe throw some light on why we're all sat here drinking tea at first-light?"

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