The Calling - Chapter 9

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It was mid afternoon when Wufei finally emerged from his room and headed downstairs to join the others. The rest of the group had spent the day on the patio area of the manor grounds and gardens relaxing in the warm sunshine, taking advantage of their short holiday. Most of them had tried their hand at various lawn games such as croquet and bowling, as well as enjoying getting themselves lost in the large hedge maze that was also a feature of the mansion grounds.  

Duo was the first to spot Wufei as he appeared at the French doors coming from the lounge.

"Hey Wufei!" he called, beaming a smile.

The others looked over and offered friendly words and gestures of greeting as Wufei stepped onto the patio and walked over to them.

They could see he had changed into more casual clothes: a cream short-sleeved shirt and lightweight, khaki coloured casual trousers.

Wufei observed the others as he walked unhurriedly along the patio towards them. The three girls, Sally, Hilde and Noin, were all relaxing side-by-side on full-length sun loungers, positioned in the best place to catch the sun's warm rays. All three were dressed in light, summery clothing, each holding rather exotic looking drinks adorned with little umbrellas and slices of fruit.

Trowa and Duo were perching on a small raised garden bed wall close to the girls, also holding drinks and chatting with the girls. Further along the patio, Wufei could see Quatre and Heero in the process of preparing a large outdoor cooker.

As Wufei approached his friends, they all very quickly noticed that something appeared very different about him. The whole group picked up on it straight away. The slightly stressed and rather scowling look that seemed to be permanently etched on his face over the past weeks had completely gone.

In its place sat a bright and rather serene look of contentment. Wufei walked with a slight spring in his step as his whole being seemed to radiate with energy and calm.

Sally was the first to comment, "Wufei, you look great." she said, peering at him over the top of her small round sunglasses.

Hilde joined in the compliments, "Yes, Wufei, I can't put my finger on what's changed, but you look... radiant!"

Unable to hide how he was feeling, a broad smile slowly beamed from Wufei's face.

"Thank you," he replied quietly, "I can't explain it myself, but I feel terrific. I've not felt this way for a long, long time."

"Is this because of that Samurai ritual thing you were doing with Heero's Brother earlier?" asked Duo.

Wufei looked him in the eye and nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, but it's so much more than just a simple ritual. It's hard to explain in detail. I just really wish you could all feel what I experienced today," he replied, still smiling, "it was remarkable."

"We watched a lot of it, you both seemed to be totally immersed in what you were doing," remarked Sally, "actually, it looked pretty dangerous."

"It takes lots of concentration," replied Wufei, "the swords are very sharp, but I suppose it's only dangerous if you don't know what you are doing, or are not competent."

By now, Quatre and Heero had finished lighting the cooker and had wandered over.

"Hey Wufei," chirped Quatre as they re-joined the group, "you're looking good. I guess you enjoyed the meditation ritual then huh?"

Wufei nodded, "Very much," he replied, thanking Quatre for his comments, then he turned to face Heero.

Heero didn't say anything; he just acknowledged Wufei with a slight nod.

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