The Calling - Chapter 15

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Wufei stood at the window in Fumio's room looking out across the acres of beautiful grounds belonging to Quatre's mansion, waiting while the young monk freshened himself up with a wash and change of clothes in the en-suite bathroom.

He glanced across at the damaged window, the mangled and bent metal framework through which this small boy had fled in terror just hours earlier, and couldn't help but feel his heart sink at the sight of it. It reinforced to him once again the true gravity of Fumio's situation. He could feel his anger resurfacing again with that deep-seeded hatred he now felt toward the people who had caused all of this to happen.

Fumio had recovered a little from his earlier state of frustration and anger, and from his ordeal during the night. He emerged from the bathroom looking and feeling a little calmer. He'd chosen to continue wearing the jogging bottoms and thick white socks he'd been given, but had exchanged the sweaty, bloodied fleece top for a clean, plain white T-shirt.

Wufei was still staring at the broken window, deep in thought when he felt a small hand gently touch his arm, breaking him from his ponderings.

"Hey," he whispered, offering a sympathetic smile, "you feeling any better?"

Fumio returned a subdued nod, then looked guiltily at the damaged window frame. He gave a depressed sigh. "I feel terrible about this, so much I almost want to throw-up," he whispered, distress growing in his voice again.

"Quatre-san let me use this room out of kindness, and look what I've done to it. How do I even begin to apologise or to make amends for something like this, such a disrespectful thing to do, such a betrayal," he mewled.

Wufei looked at the anxiety-ridden boy, finding it almost painful to witness such a benign and gentle soul suffering the consequences of the brutal past he'd neither asked for, or deserved. Through the dejected look in Fumio's eyes, he could see the boy was beside himself with guilt, dying-inside because of something he was helpless to prevent.

He'd never felt more empathy for someone in his life, than he did in that moment and for the second time in an hour, he found himself reaching out and hugging the sad young monk again.

"None of this is your fault, Fumio-chan," he reassured calmly, smoothing the boy's hair with his palm as he held him tightly, "and you have betrayed no one, no one!"

Fumio was grateful the Shenlong pilot had acted. In that low ebb, he needed all the reassurance he could get, so the hug was most welcome. He snuggled his face tighter into Wufei's shoulder, taking whatever healing and comfort the embrace offered.

"You mustn't worry yourself over this," continued Wufei, "and there is nothing you need to apologise for. You are not to blame for any of this, none of this is your fault, everyone understands that, especially Quatre, so please don't worry yourself about the window."

Although Fumio felt bad on many levels, Wufei's words and actions were going a long way toward helping ease his pain, especially his guilt and anxiety. He listened carefully to Wufei's much needed reassurances, drawing on his confidence and strength to help get him through this latest crisis.

"If it helps you to know this, Quatre was planning on replacing these draughty old windows anyway, so there's really no harm done," added Wufei, "he's got his maintenance guy coming to patch this up later today, so don't give it a second thought, okay? It'll all be fixed by this afternoon.

He felt Fumio nodding against his shoulder.

"All that matters right now is that you're okay and that you recover from this, that's all anyone really cares about."

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