The Calling - Chapter 3

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Within half an hour the car pulled onto the long gravel driveway of Quatre's home. It was dusk, but the warm glow from the Georgian style windows of the Winner mansion was a welcoming sight as it loomed into view.

The luxury car stopped at the base of the stone steps leading up to the main entrance.  James opened Sally's door, and she stepped onto the white gravel drive. Quatre walked around and stood beside her. He offered her his arm and pulled her close, giving her a slightly mischievous grin.

Sally looked at him. She suspected he was up to something. "What is it Cat?" she asked, grinning at him.

"Nothing," he replied dismissively, "come on, let's get some dinner, I'm starving."

Sally nodded and he led her up the stone steps towards the large, double oak front doors.

As they approached, the doors were opened by unseen hands. They stepped into the darkened reception hall and Sally could feel Quatre's grip tighten on her arm.

"Why's it so dark in here?" she asked.

Suddenly the lights came on. "SURPRISE!" Called a unison of many grinning and laughing faces stood before them, followed by a sudden torrent of exploding party poppers and paper streamers raining down mainly on Sally, although Quatre got quite a few of them too. 

"What the?!" Stuttered Sally in surprise, gripping Quatre's arm even more tightly as smiles and laughter filled the large echoey reception hall. 

Before them stood a small assembly of the people she considered to be her closest friends, allies and comrades. There were the four other Gundam pilots, Duo, Heero, Trowa and of course Wufei. Also present was Noin, Catherine, and Hilde, who was hanging onto Duo's arm. Even Relena had managed to attend.

Noin was the first one to step forward and greet Sally.

"Oh, Sally," She beamed radiantly, gripping her by the arms, leaning in to give her a peck on the cheek. "You're looking fantastic," she said, "Happy Birthday!"

Sally eagerly greeted her back, smiling. "Noin, it's so great to see you again," she said, trying to engage in a brief conversation, "but how did you know it was my..." Before she could finish her sentence, the rest of the group, all sporting smiling, excited faces stepped forward and began jostling for the opportunity to greet her.

"Happy Birthday Sally!" Called more voices from the group. "Yes, Happy birthday!"

After many moments of exchanging hugs and kisses with just about everyone in the room, Sally stood back, beaming radiantly. She gave out a happy sigh.

"A surprise party? For me? Oh, you guys!" she was a little lost for words. "I didn't think anyone knew when my birthday was."

Quatre stepped beside her, placing his arm in hers once again. "Hey, you're not the only one with reliable intelligence sources around here you know," he grinned. The others laughed.

"Shall we?" he asked, gesturing his arm towards the dining hall.

Sally smiled and nodded. They walked forward, and the small, smiling, gathering of friends stepped aside.

As Quatre and Sally walked down this spontaneous aisle of people, everyone joined in behind them on their stroll toward the dining hall.

As they approached, the doors opened, and Sally's face lit up with astonishment at the scene that lay beyond.

In the dimly lit room sat a long banqueting table, set ready for a feast.  Lit candles sat eloquently in golden holders placed along its length. A warm light sparkled off the seemingly endless sea of highly polished cutlery and tableware that formed the place-settings for the whole group.

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