The Calling - Chapter 8

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The soft glow of first light slowly filtered through the mist of the silent summer morning. The distant mountains blushed in a translucent luminescence accompanied by a dawn chorus of birdsong.

The winner mansion looked dormant as it loomed silently in the semi-darkness, its imposing silhouette quietly dominating the azure blue skyline of the substantial grounds in which it nestled.

Some distance from the iconic building, far out across the huge well-kept lawn, stood a lone figure dressed in traditional warrior-monk's attire, almost hidden by the mist. It was Fumio. His outline contrasted against the mist by the orange brightness of his robes, under which he wore a rich, saffron yellow tunic visible at the neck and sleeves. Around his waist, a wide, black cotton belt was tied, forming an anchor point for the Samurai Sword sat diagonally upwards across his back, its hilt protruding above his right shoulder. His lower legs displayed traditional white Shaolin leg covers, held in place by criss-crossed black cotton tapes leading down to the white, canvass sneakers on his feet.

The boy stood motionless. Feet together, elbows pointing outwards, hands clasped together in prayer before his face, his eyes closed tight, concentrating hard on the moment, summoning the necessary forces of mind, body and spirit to allow him to proceed with this mysterious and extraordinary fighting ritual.

Wufei opened the door to the rear of the mansion and took a breath of the cool air. He felt excited, yet strangely nervous of the impending event.  He walked across the patio area toward the lawn. He too was dressed in clothing of the appropriate attire; All-white traditional Chinese garments with his sword tied into the waist, also by a thick black cotton belt.

As he approached the lawn, Wufei stopped, bowed respectfully, and  continued walking out toward the monk stood waiting for him in the distant mist.

On reaching Fumio, Wufei stopped a few feet away. He bowed deeply in humbleness before the monk, staying there until Fumio stepped forward and placed a hand gently on the back of his head, chanting an almost rhythmic phrase from the ancient texts, administering a blessing.

Afterwards, they both knelt down on the ground facing each other about 6 feet apart. Fumio took a deep breath and chanted some more of the ancient language. He clapped his hands twice, then brought them back down, resting them on his knees. Wufei then did exactly the same thing, quoting the same words before resting his hands on his knees. Then they began to take deep, slow breaths as they prepared to initiate the first of several meditations required by the ritual.

Trowa was the first from the rest of the group to get up that morning. He made his way downstairs to the kitchen and made himself A coffee. As he sat at the large kitchen table gathering his thoughts, Duo emerged through the doorway. They nodded in a subdued acknowledgement. Not long after that, Quatre appeared.

Within half an hour or so, the rest of the group had got up and gathered in the large kitchen.

Quatre had organised a toaster, a couple of loaves of bread and a good selection of breakfast cereals, along with many extra trimmings, all laid out around the kitchen so everyone could just help themselves.  He nominated himself to make coffee or tea for anyone who wanted it.

Several of the group were perched or stood around the Kitchen in varying states of dress.  Hilde was still in her pink soft cotton pyjamas with an elephant pattern. She was leaning on the windowsill periodically looking out of the window.  Noin, Sally, and Heero were stood perched up against the various work surfaces skirting around the kitchen, talking. Duo and Trowa were sat at the table tucking into breakfast.

Duo was on his forth round of toast, as he began  pouring cereal into a bowl. Sally looked at him tiredly. She was nursing what looked like a slight hangover.

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