10. Watching TV Part 4

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"Wow, he is..." the Doctor said slowly after watching "The 11th Hour". He struggled to find a word for his thoughts.

There was a silence.

"I thought he was quite good." Light said.

Everyone gasped and turned to stare at Light.

Light looked at them, "what? Can't I enjoy a show?"

"It's just..." the Doctor started.

"...for all this time..." Ryuk continued.

"You were a party pooper for this whole story." The Janitor finished bluntly.

"Yeah, but I've got to admit. This Doctor, has got the funniest first line of the episodes. Going off about apples and all." Light reasoned.

"What's wrong with apples?" Ryuk snapped, taking a huge bite of one.

"Nothing, and then it finds out that he likes fish-custard. That whole scene was awesome. How he threw the piece of bread and yelled 'and stay out!' and there was a smash and a cat meo-..." Light trailed off, looking at their open mouths strangely.

"Well," the Janitor said, the first to stand up, "I don't enjoy it, but it's my job. And there's nothing to do in this stupid setting other than cleaning so I'll go cleaning." He stomped off.

Everyone just watched him go off. Ryuk took another big bite out of the apple.

"Well...uh, I better go too. I need to take a toilet break." Light said.

"I'm gonna go explore this place...again. The Janitor's right, this setting is so boring." Ryuk said straight afterwards.

The Janitor appeared again with a cleaning cart as Light walked past him, "I know it hasn't been much for the past week or so but please don't kill so many people while you're at it." He said loudly to Light.

Everyone froze. The Doctor glared at the Janitor.

"What did you say?" L asked, interested.

"Well, since everyone is listening now, why don't I just say it." The Janitor said slowly, "he is Kira."

There was a long silence.

Light was panicking. Damn this stupid Janitor, he'll be the first name I write. But the person who broke the silence surprised Light.

It was L. He was laughing. "Light is Kira?" he asked, wiping a tear off his face. "Are you serious?"

"Heck yes. I'm no idiot." The Janitor said, getting annoyed.

"But it's impossible for him to be Kira." L said.

"Are you trying to start me Jap freak?" The Janitor threatened.

The Doctor jumped up and placed his arms over the Janitor's shoulders and forced him to walk with the Time Lord. "Look, I told you. You must not do anything to the timeline. There'll come a time when he'll find out the hard way."

"This is taking too long though, Kira is right under his nose." The Janitor whispered back to him angrily.

"I know, but he hasn't got any proof that Light's Kira yet so let them be. I don't know how to bring you back to your dimension...yet, but I will okay? Just play along." The Doctor said.

The Janitor was quiet for a bit. "Fine, I will."

"Good, now you go do whatever, I'll see if there's any alien troubles in this dimension because this secret base is so boring." The Doctor said.

Light was gone, so was Ryuk by the time the Janitor started cleaning all around the place. The Doctor looked into the room where L was, still sitting on the couch. "Just going for a walk." The Doctor said, "won't be long."

"Okay." L said. It looked like he was thinking.

The Doctor eyed him a bit, trying to find out what he was thinking but walked off.

When the Doctor disappeared, L looked at the doorway. So Light is definitely Kira, huh?

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