27. Learn

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"RUN!" The Doctor yelled but no one needed to be told. Even the Janitor realised the serious trouble that they were in. Even Ryuk forgot that he couldn't get hurt by mortals.

But this sudden movement alerted the Sontarans and the Daleks and both alien races started to rain shots onto the humans and the Doctor. They managed to escape into the neighbouring room and hide behind certain objects in there.

The Doctor tried to think quickly and clearly. In these circumstances-having some of your most dangerous enemies shooting at you from deadly weapons while you try to figure out what the hell is happening-even the Doctor was having trouble thinking properly.

Something that was made of glass shattered and the Doctor looked around and realised that one of the shots had shattered the glass case that protected the Death Note.

Thinking quickly, the Doctor ran and grabbed it and went back into cover behind another object. Light and Ryuk were hiding there (Ryuk still hasn't realised the aliens can't kill him yet).

Light saw the Death Note in the Doctor's hands and sniggered. The Doctor looked up and questioned him, "what?"

"Nothing, it's just, that's not gonna help at all. The Death Note doesn't work on aliens." Light explained.

"Well, you can't know that for sure, unless you've already tried it." The Doctor said.

"I did already try it." Light answered back.

"What?" the Doctor exclaimed, "on who?" Then he figured who it was. "Me?"

"Well..." Light made an apologetic face.

"You tried to kill me?" The Doctor asked, anger was in his voice. He's under a lot of stress.

"Let's talk about this later when we survive. If we survive." Light quickly said before the Doctor progressed.

"Have you got a pen?" the Doctor asked coldly.

"Yes, it's right here." Light answered, quickly taking out a pen from his pocket.

"You always have something to write on somewhere on you I'm guessing." The Doctor muttered as he flipped the notebook to an empty page and started writing names.

"Well, yes. I am Kira, after all." Light realised that the Doctor was writing names. "Wait, you know all their names by memory?"

"I don't know what's happening. It's like my body is moving on it's own. And all their names just popped out into my head. I don't know where from." The Doctor answered.

"That must be Jack making you do all that, giving you all the names." Light muttered.

"He can do that?" The Doctor asked.

"Yeah, he can."

There was a silence when a Sontaran collapsed on the spot. They started to murmur to each other to figure out what happened. Then a Dalek shut down and that set the Daleks into a panic.

Everyone who was hiding took a peek over their hiding spot slowly to watch what is going on.

Nearly all the Daleks were dead, and Sontarans left; right; and centre were collapsing on the ground and not getting up.

Light looked menacingly at Ryuk and hissed, "I thought you told me that the Death Note doesn't work with aliens."

"I don't know!" Ryuk defended himself, "you even tried to kill him using the Death Note and it didn't work. Don't blame me on this."

The Doctor jumped out and approached the last Sontaran who was frozen on the spot.

"I don't want to die." The Sontaran cried.

"Now, you're going to tell me quickly where the Master is. I know he sent you in here and you're going to tell me where he is. You've got about three minutes until you die a painless death, like I've written." The Doctor said to him quietly, although he was still audible by all that were still hiding.

"He's changed hasn't he? He's more violent. More like the Ninth Doctor." Matsuda mumbled to L. "I didn't like him at all. One, he was ugly-"

"Please Matsuda! Not now!" L exclaimed.

Matsuda was going to retaliate but was shut up by L's menacing look.

"The Master told all of us that if we were the last one to survive you, we needed to give you this puzzle to work out where he is." The Sontaran said quietly. "It is 'I've been here all this time, haven't really helped out with anything that's happened. Who am I?' That is the riddle."

"What?" the Doctor puzzled.

"He also told us to tell you this." The Sontaran continued.

"What is it?" the Doctor asked quickly.

"You must work out what this riddle means and work out where the Master is because he is the only one that is able to bring you back to your own universe.

Doctor Note - A Doctor Who x Death Note Crossover StoryWhere stories live. Discover now