25. IHP Part 5: Over

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The Janitor was somewhere else. For some reason he wasn't there. Nobody knew why. It was very OOC of him. Who've wanted Light to be caught out since he came into their universe.

The Doctor looked gloomy. How did it all get to this? He tried his hardest to make sure the timeline of this universe didn't get too messy. But it seems that this Jack didn't want that at all. That's if this Jack even existed.

The Janitor was the one who told him that Jack had it all under control. But now the Janitor isn't here, and there's no guidance for the Doctor to fix everything up. What was he going to do?

L smirked. It is finally over. Kira - Light - is finally caught. The case is solved. All that's got to happen now is the official questioning. But they've got the confession on tape. For safety reasons, L placed secret microphones all around the Headquarters. It's paid off.

Light saw L smirking and scowled. Dammit, he thought, where the hell is Ryuk? Why can't he write their names down? I've gotta get out of this somehow.

"So," L started, breaking the tension. Testing the waters of Light's ever-changing moods. Sort of like a woman on PMS, he thought, "since when did you start being Kira?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Light said gloomily.

Ah, thought L, stubborn.

"Please don't beat around Light. I've got your confession on tape. You can't lie your way out now." L pressed, "when did you start being Kira?"

"Please! Please! Let me go! I don't know what you're talking about." Light cried out, tears streaming down his face.

There's the sympathetical swing, L thought to himself. "Light, answer the question." L's voice was assertive.

"Since the very beginning, okay? The very first criminal that died was caused by me!" Light finally broke and said it triumphantly before fixing his composure and showed a blank face.

His hopelessness is making him crazy, L thought. "How and where did you find the Death Note?" he asked.

"This is sexual harassment." Light mumbled quietly but everyone heard. An awkward silence followed. Matsuda who was standing next to the Doctor asked, "uh, how exactly is this sexual harassment?"

"Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pale of water..." Light started singing, rocking back and forth.

The Doctor face-palmed. There's no fixing this timeline now.

The Janitor ran in, "sorry, I was in the toilet." He saw the bodyguards and noticed the tension. "Did you start without me? Why?"

L was very surprised. "You...go to the toilet?"

"Of course, I'm a human being, why won't I go to the toilet?" the Janitor asked.

"It's just we never know if you go to the toilet. We just assume you don't go to the toilet. Doctor, being the only being in this room that knew about Death Note and Scrubs as a show, have you ever seen the Janitor going to the toilet?" L asked the Doctor, who was looking as surprised as he was.

"No. I'm surprised about this as well...wow!" the Doctor answered absent-mindedly.

"Oh come on!" the Janitor groaned.

"Anyway, let's get back to the interrogation." L said, turning back to Light as Light finished singing.

Tell the Doctor about the Asunian Incident.

Janitor groaned and thought, this will fix everything up won't it?

Yes. I'm sorry, but I'm the writer of this story, anything I say, will happen. Even if you don't want to do it, you will do it.

The Janitor groaned and leaned in to the Doctor's ear. "Jack told me to tell you to remember about the Asunian Incident."

The Doctor froze for a minute and lit up. "Wait a minute!"

Everyone turned to look at him. "There was an intergalactic incident that involved the Asunians." the Doctor explained, "they have the ability to control the minds of different beings without the being even knowing it. If we look back to when he 'confessed', we'll see that he was more cranky than usual. You shouldn't be cranky on the last day of school."

"Maybe it was that time of month." L said.

"Oi!" complained Light.

"I was joking. But why would the Asunian make him say that?" L asked.

"Because they knew it was going to cause chaos and that gave them an opportunity to be dramatic. They love being dramatic. They are women, of course." the Doctor explained.

Everyone except the Doctor thought of the same thing at once. It was: was that a sexist comment just then?

"How would they have had the time to mind-control him?" L asked, still sceptic.

"Well, at recess at school. Or lunch. They can do it telepathically. Sort of like a spyware on a computer. You go into the wrong website, you get a spyware virus without you knowing it."

L started to look convinced. "What do we do to get him out of the mind-control?"

"He just needs a great punch to knock him out of it" the Doctor said calmly and smiled.

Matsuda jumped up, "I'll do it!"

"WHAT!" Light screamed.

L pulled him back noticing that the Janitor was not happy that Light was getting off the hook. He wasn't happy either. But the Janitor was the visitor to this universe.

"Doctor, should the Janitor be the one who punches Light?" L asked.

"Yeah, he's a great puncher." the Doctor answered.

"Alright, I'll knock the sense into his head. Literally." the Janitor said, coming to Light who was sinking into the couch.

"No, please, think of anoth-" he was interrupted by a great punch to the head by the Janitor.

L whistled. "You're right, he is a great puncher."

"Is that enough?" the Janitor asked, "I don't think so, I think I better punch him again just in case."

"No, that's enough, he's fine now." the Doctor said as he looked at his sonic screwdriver. He puts the screwdriver back into his chest pocket and sighed, the timeline's not too messed up.

He was glad for that.

The Janitor wasn't. He grumbled and stomped off out of the room.

Everyone went about their lives, for the Janitor it was sitting down in front of the TV and watched the Fugitive over and over again, especially the part he was in.

It's nearly over.

"What?" the Janitor asked, scared, he paused the DVD.

It's nearly over. It'll be time soon enough for the Doctor to go back and for you to go back. But it won't be easy. It won't be anywhere in heaven or hell easy.

The Janitor hurried to the Doctor.

He knocked on the TARDIS door and soon the Doctor stepped out. "what's wrong?" the Doctor asked.

"Jack told me to tell you this Doctor." the Janitor said glumly.

"What?" the Doctor asked.

Everyone else in the room wanted to listen too.

"It's going to be over soon, everyone will be able to go home soon." the Janitor relayed the message.

L sunk his shoulders. He really thought that the Doctor would have been able to help him get Light.

Inside, Light was celebrating. He's finally able to be Kira without interruptions from this alien genius.

Ryuk was a bit sad. It won't be half as fun any more when he's gone, he thought.

Suddenly a familiar face appeared on the TV screen. It was the Master.

"You're the one behind this!" the Doctor exclaimed.

"Exactly." the Master smiled triumphantly.

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