Chapter 2: The Stolen Heart

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Hi! crazyanimefangirl03 helped me with this chapter! GO SUPPORT HER! She be cool wit me.

Right before he said those words, excitement filled you're soul. You knew the two of you couldn't be together. After all, he is you're  master and you are just a maid. You reached for his cheeks and pulled them together. You gazed into his dark, questioning eyes. You pulled closer to him until you were almost to his lips. 

"Ciel... I have always thought that.." 

"R-r-really?" He'd blush. "I know how we cannot be together because I am at a higher level than you are... But I can make you a lord too. I can ask the Queen if she will allow it. Then we can be together." 

You would give him a pleasant smile and a nod. After you did this you pecked a kiss at him. He gave a little glimpse of a grin. You let go of his cheeks and headed off into the distance while he stared at you when you walked. You hand gestured him into coming with you. You arrived at the manor and Sebastian was awaiting you both, as you expected. You looked at everything differently now.  

As you entered the manor, Mey-Rin, Baldo, and Finny were staring at Ciel and you. They saw that your expression was quite odd. You looked as if you were in a completely new world.  Mey-Rin ran to you, arms wide. She landed straight into your arms. 

"I thought something had gotten you for sure!" Same accent as always, you thought. 

"Of course I'm alright. Do you really think I would die that easily?" 

"Well you deserve a great deal of rest, Miss Y/N," she said as she looked at you with a concern. 

Sebastian came behind you and put his hand on your shoulder. You turn around and saw that he was holding a locked box. While smiling, he told you to go ahead and open the box. 

"Be warned, Miss Y/N. I suggest you open it in your room..." He said while glancing around the room. 

You nodded quietly and walked toward you're room. Once arrived, you locked the door behind you just in case. You sat on your bed holding the rotten little box. It still has fresh dirt on it. No doubt Sebastian dug it while you and Ciel were talking. You pry open the box with your hands to find that it was locked. 

You started for Sebastian to tell him the box was locked. You looked almost everywhere for him but he seemed to be no where in the manor. Finally, you decided to go to Ciel. With a dark red cheeked face, you knocked at the door. You heard no answer. Maybe he is in his chambers... you thought.  So once you arrived to his chambers, you once again knock on a door. You heard multiple noises. One of murmurs and another one of shuffles. You peek against the door ever so slightly. You see Sebastian and Ciel talking to each other. 

"What am I going to do Sebastian? She can't find out! If she does she might make the wrong decision..." 

"Young master, please. This is just going over your head. I know you love her. I suggest that she opens the box on her own and figures it out for herself." 

"But Sebastian! Don't you see! We are already on the brink! She can already run as fast as you... She is getting stronger. We can't keep this a secret anymore-" 

You back away from the door. No longer can you stand the conversation. You stare at the rotted box sitting in your maid outfit. For the first time you were actually scared... Why do I have to open this stupid thing? It could be a trap for all I know!    

You were mad.. You have been lied too! Who cares for my safety? As long as I protect Master Ciel.... That was the least you can do for him. I want to know this lie, but maybe I shouldn't know. After all, Ciel knows best. You thought and thought. You're mind raced and raced. You finally made a decision. You bust open the door to find they both were gone. Damn it... You jumped out of the window and ended up with minor scratches but you could brush them off. 

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