Chapter 9: Working with Alois...

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__---(You're POV)---__

"Dad... Don't scare me like that!" I yelled in anger. I knew my father couldn't die, but I was afraid of losing him..

Angela coughed in pain, spitting out blood. "You still can't kill me either, Sebastian. (Y/n). Please, let me speak with you... before I go to hell" Angela coughed out more blood. I go to her, leaving my father in worry. She was dying... She really can't hurt me.

"(y/n).... I should have told you this a long time ago. I didn't have the cou-" She coughed out more blood. "Courage to tell you..." She continued on, in her blood drenched outfit. "You're not even human... You are part angel and demon... You're mother... She wasn't really what she seemed to be. You were born by a angel, the mother you grown to know was just a care taker. You're mother's friend, you're care taker, knew that you would perish if any of the demons knew about you." Angela spoke calmingly so I could focus on what she was saying.

"So.. Mathilda Simmons... Isn't my mother...?" I spoke with a questionable tone. Secrets... I always hated secrets...

"See... You're mother was the leader of the angels... telling where to go what to do. But when she met you're father, Sebastian... She fell in love. She tried to connect with him, using her powers... But she could not." Angela spoke, only to know that those were her last words... With the last breath, her last cough.. Her soul began to lower deep in the clouds.

"What else happened?! Why does everyone keep secrets from me! I hate this..." My voice was almost a scream. I kneeled down on my knees, and pounded at the ground.

"Kitten... I know... I thought that it was best for you-" Sebastian spoke, but was interrupted.

"No! It was for the best for you! You keep on lying to me... Tell me everything. Everything..." I calmly spoke, trying my best not to get all ape on him.

"As you wish.... You're mother and I were secretly contacting each other, trying the best to show our love towards each other. As a demon, I knew I cannot even love... So I was planning to betray her, to gain more power to release me from Hell. But the more and more we contacted each other.. I started to grow a weird feeling towards her. I knew this was not love, but instead it was guilt. She was such a sweet and kind angel, more than Angela.

She had silk and smooth hair, just like yours. We finally escaped our realms and came upon earth, creating you... When you were 2 or 3, you're mother had to hide you and distract the demons and angels hunting her down. Me, however, had to take you to Mathilda Simmons... A woman I once fucked to get the information about Angela.... You're mother is still in the depths of hell.... " Sebastian spoke his expression turned to embarrassment and shame.

I'm going to bring her back... To finally meet my mother. "And does... Ciel know about this?" Bill spoke, pointing his finger towards him.

Ciel shook his head, with a blank expression of awe. I stormed out of the void and into our realm, despite of all the voices telling me not to. I walked In the realm, only to see blonde haired child like male. He tightly hugged me. "Yay! My pet has arrived! Safe and sound too!" The blonde haired spoke with a British accent. My missing foot was growing back, only as a little baby foot. 

"Beg you're pardon? I am not you're pet!" I spoke, releasing the contact with the foul blonde.

"I guess Ciel hasn't told you yet... Well! You're mine now!" The blonde's voice was a bit squeamish at the most...

"I am not going to be a maid for a stranger... You haven't even told you're name!" I spoke harshly.  I at least knew Ciel when I was hired.

The man next to him had glasses and looked strict. I was frightened by the sight of Sebastian... But this fellow? He looked quite devious, even for a man like him.

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