Chapter 8: Defeating Angela?

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__---(You're POV)---__

Screw this! I walk up to Angela and kick her face. I get tired after the 300th time I hit her and I pant.

"You can't defeat her that easily, Yin and Yang" Bill spoke out, still having his horse throat.

"Then how are we suppose to kill this witch?!" I said, angry.

"We have to throw her back into 'Heaven'.... Hell wouldn't even except her." Bill grumbled.

"We need rope then... I'll get some. I'll jump into one of these portals and get back, okay? But I need someone to keep it open." Ciel interrupted.

"I'll keep it open..." I grumbled even more than Bill.

"COUSIN! Just let me go!! I... I can get you anything! Please! I want to be back here on earth, with you!" Angela said, trying her hardest to break free. She was obviously going to betray us...

"Bill, be careful. I suggest you go with Ciel. Just in case if something happens. I can keep ahold of Angela." Sebastian said, willingly doing something heroic as always.

"But what happens if I Angela breaks out? What the hell are we going to do then!?" I said, still having second thoughts about this.

"Don't worry, Kitten. I've got this handled." Sebastian spoke, soothing my thoughts.

"....I still don't feel like this is going to work..." I mumbled.

Ciel walked up on some random portal. Once he and Bill left into the portal, I took my foot and left it in-between this void and the portal. Kind of like holding a door for someone. Sebastian kept his hold on Angela when he lifted her off the ground. He held her like some sort of cop.

So now we just have to wait here....

__---(Ciel's POV)---__

Bill and I ran around, still trying to find some sort of thing to hold her in. The world we were in was almost build like ours... But they had huge gigantic walls surrounding the city. The hell is going on here? I moved through the abandoned walkway, still trying to find some sort of handcuff.

We went into a supply room... But it wasn't like any other supply room. It had weird things that attached to you're hips... Swords and gas tanks? What....?

At least 5 people came running in and started to replace the stuff they had on their hips. Then a huge human came in the door way. His face was stretched and hideous.

"What the hell are you doing here! You're suppose to be held with the others!" The teenaged man yelled at us. "Eren... They are probably new. Help them get the stuff on, okay?" The woman said, she had a red scarf attached to her neck and had black hair.

"Fine..." Eren mumbled. Eren started helping me on with the gear they had. It felt really weird on. Every time I walked, it felt like it was going to fall off.

"U-uh.. Thank you... But, can you tell me where some rope are? Or like some handcuffs?" I asked the red scarfed woman.

"No problem.. But we should get out of here before this titan eats us. I'll tell you later..." The black haired woman answered. "Everyone! Help the noobies out! This mini titan will be a breeze. We got to get them out of here." A black haired man yelled, he was a very stern type man. He was very short from the rest.

The 'Titan' started to put it's face into the door way. Luckily, there were other ways out. Bill and I were mortified for our lives though... We hugged each other. At least 3 of them went outside to kill the titan, and the 2 were stuck, protecting us.

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