Chapter 6: Gravity Falls?

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(A/N): 200 views already... I was even surprised I got at least one view! I am so glad you bees like it! I just want to say this: I couldn't have been here without you bees! Anyways, without me being emotional, here is the 6th, if most cringiest, chapter. :D

*Means you're thinking in-between talking*


__---(You're POV)---__

I look at Dipper Pines and his twin sister in shock. Where the hell was I? I'm surely not in London... "u-uh... I'm terribly sorry Mister Pines... I guess I have forgotten where I was... s-see, I was lost and... I came to this house! *Are they going to take my lie?* I'm sorry... I'll leave at once." I stuttered uncontrollably, feeling that they were going to take my lie.

Right when I was going to walk down the steps, the strange twin sister of Dipper's grabbed my arm. "We don't even know you're name yet, silly! You can't leave yet! And you were saying you were lost?" the strange little twin of his talked and burst out words.

"Y-yeah...?" I replied, stuttering. Ugh, they'll never believe me... What have I gotten myself into?

"How can you be lost? Did something chase you? Oh, please tell me!" She jumped up and down and pleaded. "Oh! I almost forgot! My name is Mabel! Nice to meet you!" Her voice was almost a yell.

"U-uh.. yeah! A big... uh... spider...?" I spoke unsure of myself. Dammit (Y/N)! A big spider? What the hell was I thinking...

Dipper bumped in. "I'm sorry about my sister. She can be annoying... And a big spider? Where did it chase you until you came here?" He said trying to handle his sister. "Hey! I was talking to her!" Mabel yelled trying to get past Dipper's arms.

Thinking, I replied "Um.. on the outskirts of this town." Lies and lies! Well, I guess I just have to hang around with them until the time is right. "Cool! Dipperrrr, lets go to the big sign! It might be there!" Mabel said, while slurring her words on the last part of Dipper's name.

"Yeah, that might be a good idea. Hey, uh... What's you're name?" He turned towards me at his last sentence. "... *Should I lie??* u-uh.. (Y/n)..." I spoke in a reply. Okay... I think that is enough lies for now...

"Alright, (Y/n). Do you want to come with us? We could use a extra set of hands on killing the giant spider that was chasing you. Plus, revenge. Right?" Dipper said, with all smiles plastered on his face. I chuckled, "Yeah, sure! What could go wrong, right?"

__---(Ciel's POV)---__

"Damn it, Sebastian! Which portal is it?! The one you dropped (Y/n) in!" I yelled at Sebastian. Such an idiot, I should have carried her.

"I believe it's this one, Master." Sebastian pointed out when he talked. The portal he pointed too was surely... Cartoonish. Not like our portal.

"Then what are you waiting for? The fight didn't last forever! Angela might come back!" I yelled even harder. "My apologies, my Lord." Sebastian spoke. He then carried me into the portal.

The other side of the portal was... a forest. Sebastian put me on the ground and jumped on the pine trees. I waited awhile until he came back down. Once he finally did, he spoke shamefully. "No Kitten anywhere, Lord. Maybe if I have you're permission I can search else where?" Sebastian definitely had an idea, he had the glow in his eyes.

"Yes, you may. But be quick with it, I don't want (Y/n) getting into any trouble." I mumble towards Sebastian. "Oh, and one more thing. I am going to find some place to stay, maybe a town of some sort. I'll summon you when I'm in trouble..." I say. I wonder if I actually do find a town.

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