Chapter 10: Kinks

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__---(Alois POV)---__

"Well, that's good to hear. You will be working hard during all of these three months, and I always want you by my side. Claude will be the one who is going to clean up the place. Oh~! This will be so fun! With my new, little doll of course!" I said, getting excited. I knew that Claude wouldn't mind cleaning, plus I might have a chance with her....Since she has to do everything I say.

"Then why was I suppose to memorize the rooms?" (Y/n) pouted. I continued to lick the tea cup, Inside and out.

"I just decided now! So you can just kiss my arse if you want." I roared. Or she could lick-

"Alois. Weren't you going to give her an assignment?" Claude death glared me.

"Oh, yes. (Y/n)" I turned back to her. "There were bandits reporting outside of our establishment. I want to see if you can defeat them all AND protect me" My grin turned into a curl. Maybe I can see her in action, if she approves. Which I'm going to make her anyway.

(Y/n) nodded without making eye contact with me. "Yes, You're Highness." She mumbled in disappointment. I thought she would be happy, killing bandits.

After I get her contract with me, I'll finally be able to defeat Ciel and his 'Dog'. I grinned, imagining the sight of those two perishing.

__---(You're POV)---__

I moved outside of the manor and walked into the woods that surrounded the area. Alois, following behind me, thought it would be a good idea that I would carry him.

"Come on~! Why not?" Alois would pout and pout throughout the journey. Claude stayed behind to clean the place.  So I had to deal with his childish demands.

"One kiss. Come on. I know you can do it! I seen you kiss Ciel..." Alois would continue to be a little brat. I just wanted to beat him into a pulp.

"Fine" I spoke in between my teeth. If he wants a kiss, he wants a kiss. I grinned slyly and moved towards him, sexually.

"Oh, (Y/n).. I didn't think you would be this turned on..." Alois would get fluttered.

I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Well... After all, you deserve the best. You're Highness." I spoke, taking the words of your new master's name in a sexual way.

As we started to lean in, I grabbed a pressure point and he passed out.... Flushed cheeked and had a bulge... I sighed, thinking of the shame I have done. This will definitely not turn out well. 

I carried him on my shoulders and started to walk out to the bandit's hideout. When we arrived, nothing was there. No campfires, no people, just the forest.  He seriously thought I would have sex with him... OUT HERE!

I sighed even more..."What the hell, Alois" I muttered towards his sleeping form on my shoulders. I placed him on a big, flat log. Almost the size of a bed.

I sat there, beside him. Once he would wake up, he will have to tell me what to do now. Maybe there was a actual hideout... I started to walk about, still no sign of anything.

I put the palm of my hand towards my face. Clearly he brought me out here for something.

"Y-yeah....W-w-... *Snores*" Alois says in his sleep. I walk towards him, putting my hand on his forehead to look at what dream he is having.

*Alois's dream*

He started to spank a very kinky replica of myself. What the hell Alois... The replica was an actual person. Was it me? Oh hell no...

Alois started to... I don't even want to look at it anymore. I can only look at dreams, not look at their memorize like Bill. Bill... I totally forgot about him... I still stare at the dream Alois is having. Moans and groans are filled throughout the whole kinky bedroom. Oh god... Claude, NO! Claude joined.... Fucking damn it.

'Bill... please make Alois have nightmares... This is just sad.' I said inside my head.

'Can do, Yin and Yang.' Bill winked and came out of my head. His arms grabbed the edge of my forehead and he lifted himself out. He went inside of Alois's dream and made Claude kill the replica of myself. Claude turned into his complete demon form and destroy everything and had edged Alois in a corner.

*End of dream*

Alois woke up, while I went out of his mindscape. He had enough for one day. Alois was panting and grabbed his forehead.

"Wow... that..." he stuttered in fright. "That was kinky and scary at the same time..." He continued in his frightful form.

"Now, we arrived. What is it that you wished me to do? There is no bandits." I spoke, grinning at his state.

"Well I wanted to make a contract with you. Like one with Sebastian and Ciel." Alois still continued to pant. "Now you got my full attention. I want you to make a deal. I want to have you to be as my demon until I die." Alois still had his childish demands, but this was serious. Me being HIS demon. No way. Nope.

"I'm sorry, You're Highness. But I don't even know if I can make a contract. Let alone make a deal. And I were to choose to make a contract with anyone... it would be Ciel...." I spoke to him, truth though it may be, it was still very harsh.

Alois cursed under his breath. "Fine." I was surprised. I thought he might have gone ape shit.

He stormed back into the manor, while I followed behind him. I guess Claude knew everything that happened because he had a wild smirk upon his face, looking as if he might burst out crying and laughing.

"Claude! Get that stupid grin off you're face. I don't want (Y/n) to be my maid anymore." He huffed out.  I was relieved...

Right at that time, Sebastian, Ciel, and Bill were at the door knocking. I opened the door to be greeted with the same faces of delight. I hugged each of them.

"We heard that you didn't want Kitten anymore, so we came right over. May we have our Kitten back, please?" Sebastian said, with the famous smirk of all the world.

"Please. She is a disgrace to this manor and my name. She has just been trouble to me." Alois finally pouted and slammed the door shut on us.

We all smiled and had a group hug. I intensively kissed Ciel with my rosy red lips and had a deep, passionate, sexual  kiss that I had always missed. One day... One day it will come. Be patient (Y/n)....


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