Chapter 16: Savior

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__---(Y/n POV)---__

Angela... that's all I could think about as Bill formed the rip in the sky. We flew through the rip and we were at the same place, the same god damned place. The gates of heaven. This time, everything was grey instead of white. What had happened?

We walked down the now grey, fluffy path that led to the wretched place. 

"Angela! Angela, I know you have my mother!" I yelled, looking at the yellow poles. "Show yourself!"

All of a sudden, Angela appeared behind the golden gate. Her look was... shredded. Her whole face was torn to pieces and everything that was on her was black. Her eyes were emotionless and red. Her twisted smile crept on her gloomy face, like the sun behind grey clouds. Fake.

"Well.. Well... Well....." Her voice was raspy and gruesome, "Nice to see that you come back..."

"This place went to hell..." You spoke softly, "What happened?"

"My-my sanctuary... It all went down when the devil came." She laid down, hands still on the bars. "We still can't get out of here. Please..." She'd cough. 

"I will, once you told me where my mother is. What did you do to her?" I growled. 

"Heh... My friends and I gathered what was left of our powers to summon back Satan, now realizing that he had a greater power than God himself. We asked him to bring us back your mother, for she could save us all and become Satan's power source. If she could bring back me, surely she had enough energy to fuel Him."

"What does Satan want exactly?" I said, getting closer to the gate.

"EvEryOnEs SoUl," she would scream and laugh evilly. Her laugh echoed throughout the place and a huge rumble came. "WeLL, TimE suRe doEs FlY!" 

A huge figure appeared behind us, staring us down. The upper part of his body was human, yet the other half was goat like. It... It was Satan. 

I brought out my weapon at Him and threatened, "Don't come any closer!" 

"You think you can defeat me?! I created all of you! What is a creator without a destroyer within?" he cackled. 

"I doesn't matter, as long as we have some kind of way to bring you down!" I yelled, and started to thrash at Him. 

I jumped above his swings and threw my weapon into his gut. Time to get Him weak. 

"Sebastian! Keep him entertained, Bill and I will fight him out!" 

Sebastian nodded and started to tease with him.

I ran behind Him and started behind His neck. I put my weapon deep down until it was on the other side of his throat. 

He yelled in pain and grabbed behind his neck and pulled out my weapon. His neck was gushing out blood, but it didn't seem to bother him. He tossed my weapon over the gates and left me open. He turned around a slashed me to the other side. 

Bill was left there motionless, but got back into the game quickly. He summoned chains to tie Him down only a short while. Shit, that means I have to open the gates to get my weapon. 

I ran around to the gates and reached deep down inside myself to open the gates. It swung open and I dashed inside. The other side looked horrific, blood was scattered everywhere and the hole place was like Hell. Angela looked at me in honor and realized what the hell she'd done. 

"Get up, there's still time to renew yourself," I said and lifted her up from the ground. 

I look for my weapon and find in quickly, I ran back to see a swarm of angels around Satan. They seem to be attacking... He got out of his chains and started to have a tantrum, throwing his arms everywhere. He saw me and ran towards me, his steps shook the heavens and left me to the ground. He picked me up.

"No!!!" Bill and Sebastian said in unison. Sebastian and Bill started to change into their forms and fight Him. They tag team and burn him down. He gets hurt and lets me go, howling. 

I land on the ground and slash his feet. 

"Had enough? If you have, you should be back down in Hell!!" I yelled at Satan.

"I had enough of all of you! It's time to get real now." he screamed, annoyingly. I turned into his final form. Pure black surrounded him and sent the Angels away from him. The black dust went away to reveal himself. He was 10x larger, his teeth enormous, and he looked like pure evil. 

He grabbed Bill and Sebastian and set them to the ground, holding them there with his feet. 

"As for you!" he said, grabbing me and squeezing me to the point my eyes felt like popping out of my sockets. "I will enjoy you in my stomach!" 

"(Y/n)!!!" I turned to see my mother in the opening of the gates. Mom... mom! 

I felt myself turning... growing, I pushed myself out of Satan's grasp and grabbed my weapon, making it into a huge, black falchion. I pushed the sword on his scalp and kept pushing, more blood spewing into my face. I screamed and pushed until the sword cut Satan in half. 

I cut him across, faster. I continued to cut him until he was slices. I took deep breaths and passed out. 

__---(Sebastians POV)---__

(Y/n)... She... she turned herself like... like God! I got up and ran towards her. 

"(Y/n)! Are you okay?!" I yelled, looking into poor Kitten's eyes. 

(Y/n) mother.... She ran towards us and fell on top of me, kissing the tainted sin off of my lips. Pure bliss. 

"I-I'm so sorry. I-" She began. 

"Don't you dare be sorry, it is I who should be ashamed of myself. I didn't think of what you felt. I should have at least talked to you. Its-" I was broken off. 

"What are you even talking about?! I left you!" 

"But I left you too! I should have stayed for (Y/n). For both of you."

"Well, at least were Aback together..." She sighed and but her soft elegant hands on my face. 

Bill picked (Y/n) up and walked back into the rip, "Come on, the opening is gonna close." 

I picked up my beautiful angel and swept her into the opening. 

__---(Y/n) POV)---__

I open my eyes... Mother, Sebastian, Ciel, and everyone was there smiling at me. 

"You did such a great job, (Y/n)!" Sebastian says, looking at me. 

"I'm so glad your back safe," Ciel says happily. 

"It's been so long... I missed you so much," Mother exclaims.  

The rest of them had so many questions and you had to answer every single one. 

"It's about time, I should have told you this sooner." Ciel begins, indicating everyone to shush. "Look, my contract with Sebastian... It's been overdue. I have to let Sebastian take me. I know this is the most worst time to tell you, but I can't hold it in much longer." 

"Then... Then make a contract with me? What do you want, I'll do anything." You spoke, worryingly. 

"No.. I have to go, you don't understand," Ciel says, giving you a kiss on the forehead. "Sebastian, it's time." 

Sebastian nods and picks up Ciel. 

"No!!! Don't leave me! Ciel! I love you! Come back! No!!!!" I scream and yelled, kicking off the sheets and running after them. 

"I won't ever forget you, you'll always be in my heart," Ciel says, looking back at me kneeling down and sobbing. 

And those were the only words I last heard of him. 


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