Chapter 5: The Devilish Angel

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(A/N: You can text in the comments if you don't get a part in this story, I'll explain the most I can! And mild language... my bad! >:3 A LOT OF TALKING!)

__---You're POV---__

Daddy... That damn witch! I'll kill her! The walls around me are gray and it seemed the building was a broken down place. I saw the 'Angel' sitting on a couch sipping tea and watching me. I got up quickly, smacking the tea out of her hand. "Damn witch! Where am I! You better start explaining... Now!" I growl.

She simply giggled and placed her hand on my shoulder. My eyes where turning red... All I could see was red. I was fucking pissed. I slapped her hand off of me. "Explain, right now." Trying not to get too pissed, I held myself back and pinched myself every time I wanted to lunge at her.

"My, my... It's been a while, hasn't it?" Her voice was soft and low, but her chuckle echoed through my head.  "I don't even fucking remember you... If I have, I might have ended up punching you're face..."  I spat in her eyes.

"Well, it actually did happen. It didn't hurt though. Just like you're mother in that 'accident'." Her grin was widening. Not even minding the fact that I spit in her face.

"What the hell did you mean it was a 'accident'. She was ripped open apart and was served to a sacrifice once she past away!" The red in my eyes were almost turning purple.

"Like a pig on a platter. Do you know why she was sacrificed?" Out of nowhere, she had a cup of tea in her hand again. Damn witch!

"No... But you don't have to poof up a fucking tea every time." I glared at her. If looks could kill, she would be dead on the floor in minutes.

"You're mother was a sacrifice to me. So that I could return to this world and bring all of my friends. All I need is you, dear. See, you are special and you don't even know it!" Her giggle turned into a laugh. This witch needs to die, and fast! I don't need her ruining my life.

"Why in the shit would you need me? I'm just a half demon... Nothing special! I just want to live my life. Okay?" "Well, I can make a deal with you~! See, I can grant you anything! Anything in the world." I walked away from her. "You and you're deal are worthless. Nothing in this world can make me turn over to you're side."

She threw her glass cup into the wall, smashing it. She started to walk over to me. She leaned towards me. "See, here's the thing. I can even make you're mother turn alive again." She whispered into my ear, seductively.

"Witch, any deal with you will be my death. My mother is In her internal rest and I would rather let her live with her mother, instead of this horrid world." I hissed.

"Maybe I were to kill your little boyfriend? Would it make you turn to my side?" She continued to whisper in my ear. I turned to her and slapped her. "You wouldn't dare..." I hissed back.

__---Ciel's POV---__

"Sebastian! Faster!" I screamed. Sebastian was carrying me in his arms. "Yes, my lord." Sebastian had his red eyes and ran, even more quickly this time. Running through the woods, we finally arrived at the Trancy's manor. Sebastian set me down gently at the steps of the mansion. Sebastian knocked on the tall doors.

When the tall doors finally opened, Claude peaked outside. "Oh.. It's only you two.. What is it this time." He hissed at us. Sebastian smiled. "I really hope you don't mind us coming in? It is dreadfully cold out. My Master doesn't like it when it's like this outside." Claude gave us a suspicious look. "You haven't answered my question. What is it do you want? His Highness doesn't like visitors..." He peered at me, then to Sebastian. "I cant believe I'm saying this, but we need you're help. My Master's maid was taken by Angelia...So we need to build a portal..." Sebastian spoke, embarrassed.

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