Chapter 4: Childhood

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__----__*Flash back to child*__----__

*You're POV*

"M-m-momma!!" I screamed and screamed... But the white robes took her away from me! 

"Momma!!!" They surround me next. Hovering over me like some sort of 'Angel'. 

"Put me down!!! I wanna see mama!!" 

Momma... I'm never going to see you again?!

 I was thrown into a cage. I got a few scrapes but I didn't care! 

"Mommy!!" Tears rolled down my face...  "Momma, please..." More and more tears... They can't take away mommy!  She's mine! MINE!  I have to protect her!" I groped outside of the cage to see if I could pull on someone's leg. No one... wait.. it feels like a stage?

A light appeared and it was shown at me. Blinded and stupid, I got up and cursed at them. I was little but mommy had taught me a few things. 

"Give me back mommy! Mommy now!!" I was punching at the cage. Throwing a tantrum. The girl in the cage tried to calm me down but I had no part of it! I want Mommy, now! Now! NOW!!

"Sweet thing, isn't she? Found her next to her mother. How about $180 for this innocent and sweet child? Shinning (E/C) eyes and silky (H/C) hair~" the strange man, with a white crow on his face, cooed. 

They're buying me?  

Something in me changed... like a wisp of power through me. I tried bending the bars out word and they did as I commanded. The people, in shock, Start running around and leaving.

 I jumped out of the cage and tackled the crow faced man. Punching and kicking, often biting. He was laying on the ground, still. 

"And that is for Mommy..." lastly kicking him in the stomach. I help the pink girl up, her age was around 10 to 15. Her dress was very cute. Pink frills and white layouts. I wish I could wear that dress. Then again it would be too big for me.

A black figure roamed around me. Cautiously, I looked at it. "Be careful, young lady!" I say after her. Ready to pounce, the black figure picked me up, and made me fall in this mysterious sleep. Waking up to my crying mother's arms, I tucked my arms beneath hers for comfort.

 __----__*End of flash back*__----__

Anger and sadness roamed around me. Trying to gather up what to say, I just hug him. Tightly, then softly. "Dad... where in the hell have you been?" He sighed and just hugged me tighter. 

"Do you really want to know?" 

I pulled out of the hug, but my arms still intact with his. "What the hell do you think? Of course, yes!" Totally forgetting what I was crying about.

"I was tending to the young Master. I couldn't have time to visit, little Kitten. But when you got older, Master told me I could hire you." Sebastian pinched my cheek.

"So wait... Master is older than me? I thought he was 19!" Flustered looked at him in a angry look. "Why do you always lie to me? First the 'Non-human' thing.!"

"W-well... I'm 9 years older than you-" 

"SO THAT MEANS YOU'RE 28!! You are almost 30! Why even have a love interest on me?!" I answer quite harsh

Ciel pulls me closer to him. Tints on my face appear on my face, yet again. I always liked the feeling of someone loving me, that's why I used to stay close to my mother.

 I lean in. Right when Ciel was about to, too. Again avoiding the question, as always. Multiple seconds later, after we pull out for air. Sebastian almost looks as if he was trying to hold back. Typical dad urges... or was it?

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