Chapter 14: Vacation Prt. 2!

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__---(You're POV)---__

"The long, few hours has finally diminished! Free! Free at last!" I rejoiced and kissed the soft beach's sand. I started to run for the shore. 

"Wait! (Y/n)! Your bathing suit!" Alois ran after me. "Come back here!"

Ciel stayed with Claude and they both grabbed the suit cases. "So how long are we going to stay out here?" Ciel lifted the suit cases and put them on the ground. 

In the back round I was running away from Alois. "Just one day. There is a hotel near by." Claude responds, taking most of the suit cases and runs to the tall building. 

Ciel starts to walk to the tall building too, struggling with just two cases. He stops for every 6 steps he takes, to take a breath. 

"Okay! Fine, Alois! Let me put on the accursed thing!" I grew frustrated and snatched the bikini out of his hands. I start for a changing station. 

"Make sure you show some breasts!" Alois yelled, being far away. 

"Yeah... Like last time. In you're god damn dreams" I mumbled, slammed the changing station's door right open and closed it. People outside the changing station looked at my stall door.

"What's gotten in with her..." They all 'secretly' whisper to each other. I change in my bikini, which was in my favorite color and ran out. It was a bit chilly outside, but not too bad. 

Alois was standing near a spot with lots of sunlight. "I want this spot!" Alois childishly yelled.

"I don't think that's a good idea... Master has fair skin and will get a sunburn..." I pointed out, making Ciel the spot light. 

Ciel and Claude were carrying a umbrella and beach towels. "Maybe somewhere over there" I point next to the dock. 

"Either way, I can deal with both" Alois shrugs and starts to walk over to the docks. We all followed Alois and set up under the dock's wood. The dock had a carnival and kids running around everywhere so it was quite loud. I was surprised Alois took it that easily. 

Alois got changed under Claude's supervision, he just basically held a towel in front of him so we couldn't see his 'man' parts. When, finally, Alois put on his trunks, he ran after me, slapping a towel at my ass. 

"ALOIS TRANCY!" Ciel yelled at him. "I beg to differ you're 'changes' when you are slapping a towel at my love! Give me that." He grabbed the towel out of Alois's hands and started hitting him. Claude, of course, didn't like the approach so he took the towel and ripped it in small fabrics.

We all gasped in awe. It indeed caught our attention. "Are you three done being childish?!" Claude frantically raised his voice. We all stared at the ground, ashamed of our actions like little children. 

"Good.... Now go have fun... I suppose." Claude inquired. Alois and I giggled and ran into the ocean water, splashing each other playfully. Ciel gave me backup and we double bombed him with out secret water-guns.  

"ATTACK!" I yelled and pointed my water-gun at Alois. 

"No fair!" Alois threw a tantrum while we gave out water-guns a try. "Claude!" Alois whined. 

"Okay! Okay, we will stop... after you tell us why you brought us here!" I said. 

"Fine..." Alois let out a loud groan. "I wanted you to be my demon... Like Claude... But kinda like my sex slave." 

I let the water-gun flow into the abyss known as the deep end. I gave him my terrible glare. "What the hell, Alois." I spoke, replenishing the palm of my hand to my forehead once more. I knew he would tell us this sooner or later. Just... What the hell is right. 

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