Chapter 13: Vacation Prt. 1!

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(It's gonna be first person in this chapter and maybe the next chapter :3)

__---(You're POV)---__

I stretched my arms, yawning. I walked into my bathroom and looked at my hair... Filthy... I run some water in the shower, brushing my hair out. I checked the temperature with my hand, almost there.... I walked out of the bathroom and checked to see if anyone was snooping in my room... no-one. 

"If I ever see any of you, not including Ciel, in my room without permission... I will slice you in half!" I warned. I don't take too kindly to men who stare at me when I don't have clothes on. 

I take off my clothes and take a step inside. Warm... I relax under the water... I grab the bar of soap and rub it on arms then the rest of my body. I wash it off and start with my hair. I brush the chemicals in my hair and enjoyed the scent of what it left in my hair. 

Once I was done spoiling myself, I walked out of the shower doors and grabbed a towel on the rack. I rinsed off anything that was wet and released my towel off of my body and combed out my hair. I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I said, struggling to untangle my hair. 

"Claude, Madam." Claude answers.

"I thought your master didn't want me anymore?" I replied, getting my clothes on. 

"It's not about that, Madam. Alois was wondering if you would like to go to the beach with us." 

"I suppose... Can Ciel come with us?" 

"I'll have to see what His Highness says..." Claude muttered. 

"If Ciel can't come with me, then the answer is no. I don't really trust Alois for what he was going to do with me when I was his maid..." a hidden blush crept along my cheeks.

I could hear his uncontrollable laugh, it was muffled by his hand. "I-I'll see. Good day, Madam." His muffled laughs soon stopped once he reach my nickname. I heard his footsteps leave. 

I took another deep sigh, why would Alois want me to go to the beach with him after I said no? If he thinks he can make me get into a contract, he has another thing coming to him. 

I left the room, with my maid clothes on of course, and went into the dining room. 

"Good morning, Master!" I chimed, having a smile on my face.

"Morning, (Y/n)" He smiled back. He continued to sip his tea, grabbing some sweets onto his plate with his free hand.

"Alois asked me if I could spend some time with him at the beach today," I said, grabbing him some more tea. 

"Well, what did you say?" Sebastian and Ciel both said in unison. I giggled and put the tea pot back in it's place. 

"I said yes, but only if Ciel comes with me." I replied, putting sugar in his tea. "One more tea spoon, Master?" I added

They both sigh in relief. "Yes, thank you."  Ciel said, staring at the tea.

Mey-Rin came running in. "Sebastian! Baldo-"

The two others came barging in after her. They all talked at the same time.

"Baldroy! Finnian! Mey-Rin! What did you do this time..." Sebastian tried to control them with his voice. 

"Dad, let me deal with it. You have a rough schedule planned with Ciel anyways.." I told him. "Now" I said, turning to the three. "One at a time; tell me what happened." I put my hands on my hips to give them a scare, which it worked. 

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