Chapter 15: Mother

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__---(Your POV)---__

There was so much to be done after the days we were gone. I started to clean all the floors in the kitchen and living room. I dusted all the windows and Sebastian started to help me too.

We continued our work and went to see what Ciel was doing. He looked troubled, no doubt it was because he had to deal with Alois all of today and yesterday. I left the room and went to my chambers.

It was quite empty, I almost forgot what it was like to dream. I laid on the bed and drifted to a unknowing dream.


"Mother...?" I said, feeling her presence within the room.

"(Y/n)! I need your help! Please, save me!" my mother scream was faint and in an echo.

"Mom!!! Where are you?!" I screamed back, running towards the voice.

"Please... Angela..." her voice faded.


*End Dream*

I woke up in a cold sweat. It was midnight. 'Angela...'

Was it real? Was she trying to speak with me in my dreams?

"I'm coming for you..." I said to myself.

I had to find Bill again, shit. I started to walk back and forth trying to think of a way to speak with Bill. And like he knew you were thinking of him, he showed up.

"Hello, hello again toots!" A creepy smile crept along his cheeks. He was still in his human form.

"Why are you in your human form? You don't need it anymore." I said.

"Eh, I kinda like it. Makes me feel lived in," he laughed. "Anyways, you called?"

"Yes, I did. My mom... She was calling me." I said sheepishly.

"Yeah, I know. Dream demon, remember? And if I do remember correctly, my cousin has her?"

"Yes, but I have no idea why Angela would have my mom. Plus, I thought we killed her?"

"We didn't kill her, we just closed the gate so she wouldn't kill us."

"I have to ask my father, maybe he would know why. Then, we can get going and save her!" I said, finishing off the conversation. I walk towards Sebastian's room and he was there, sitting on a chair in thought.

"Father?" I said, peering into the room. "Can you.. tell me more about mom?"

"Of course, Kitten!" he said happily. "Your mother, she was beautiful. Pure lust filled into my brain once I met her. I couldn't control it. We met on Earth, near a dock. My guess was that it was pure coincidence. But, I never knew for sure."

__---(Sebastian's POV)---__


I sat on the edge of the dock, looking out into the sea. Humans... disgusting. Doing nothing for their daily lives gave me a bore. I was waiting for a human to summon me so I could have their soul. I didn't have anything better to do.

"H-Hi... Do you know where my friends are? I lost them when I was trying to find the church," a woman in her 20's said. She was gorgeous, every bit of her face was divine. She has wings of beauty and ice. A halo was present on her head.

"No I do not, but I will be ever so happy to help," I grinned, knowing full well that I shouldn't even be talking to an Angel let alone her talking to me.

"Thank you so much! Could you lead me to All Hallows? I think my friends said there was a Church in that town," she said shyly, blushing when she looked at me.

"Of course, would you like to fly there?"

*End flashback*

"And with that, our relationship grew and grew. Her being an Angel and me being a Demon we couldn't see each other often. But, every day I went as close as I could to at least try to speak with her. Until that one very day, that one horrible day had come..." his voice turned into a low growl

"Your mother and I had planned to meet up with each other, but she didn't show up. I looked everywhere until I found her with another man. You were there too, sitting in her lap. I watched in anger as the man set his eerie lips upon her. And that was the same day Ciel summoned me."

__---(Your POV)---__

I remember his awful face. The weirdness in him. He was quirky for sure, but I was just a toddler at the time. I always felt odd when he was there, even just to look at him.


"I had enough! You can't keep treating (Y/n) like this! She's special. I never should have left Sebastian, but I knew either of us could be together. It was for the best. But even he was a lot better than you!" My mother screamed at the man.

"Look, I'm doing whats best for yo-!"

"It's not best for us! Not even me! I trusted you..."

The man had a broken look on his face then had a smile. A pure smile plastered on his face.

"Fine, if you don't know whats best for you, I'll do whats best for me!" he screamed and picked up a knife from the kitchen. He stabbed her over and over again. I watched in horror. I ran towards the nearest closet and held my breath.

"I should have done this the moment I met you, I should have listened to her," he spoke to my mother's dead corpse. He started to use her blood and made a circle around her body. It was a devilish symbol.

He spoke in a different language and shook violently. A figure started to appear into my mothers body. And at that point, I had to get the shit outta there. I ran towards the door and never looked back.

*End flashback*

"I'm...I'm not at all human. Not even a bit?" I choked on my tears.

"You still are, I suppose. Your mother gave up being a Angel to be with that sick man," Sebastian said, looking at the ground.

"Then how am I still half demon? If I was born from my mom and that... man?"

"That man... was a demon. He lied to her and took her away from me. She had an affair when she was still pregnant with you so, still technically you are my daughter."

Bill was standing there, processing the words. You gave him a nod and he snap out of his trance.

"Father, were going to save mom. S-She gave me a dream and she told me she was with Angela. So, Bill and I are going to save her. I believe Ciel should sleep and stay out of the way, but you are more than welcome to come with us," I said.

"Of course I'm coming with you, I need to protect you. Plus, I think it's good to finally see your mother again. I need to tell her so many things," Sebastian said, looking up from the ground and set a brave look on his face.

"I need to finish Angela, once and for all!" I said, throwing a fist in the air.

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