Chapter 11: Back Home

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__---(You're POV)---__

We finally arrived at home. Finny, Baldo, and Mey-Rin were at the steps of the gigantic place. I was really glad that we arrived... but something really urged me... 

"Home sweet home." I muttered to myself and grabbed all of my bags out of the carriage. 

"Yes, indeed." Sebastian replied, muttering as I did. 

"I have to tell you something, Yin and Yang. I'll... I'll be over here." Bill sheepishly said, floating to the beginning of the forest. 

I took the bags inside and set them in my room. I walked outside again to meet Bill. Bill was twiddling with his cane, looking into the forest. 

I walked over to him, with my little baby foot growing faster now. "What's wrong, Bill?" 

He avoided eye contact with me and continued playing with his cane. "I-I have to go... I need to go back to the Dream Dimension... I'm becoming weak here. I could stay here... But I have to have a human form to keep me alive. Once I step out of your head, I will turn to stone. Only Sebastian and Ciel could see, me now that I'm growing weaker..." Bill's voice was almost non-existent. 

I was shocked. "Bill... Are you sure you want a human body? I mean... humans live a harsh life. How could we get a human body anyway?" 

"I can get it by making a deal with one of these pathetic humans. I want a handsome one though, to show off my glamour." Bill spoke, showing off his fabulous self.

"Okay! Okay! Quit the gun show. I get it. But where are you going to find a body like that?" I said, shielding my eyes. 

"Oh.... around town. The human has to have a pure life too, so it can last longer." Bill spoke, cunningly. "I'll be out for a while in Gravity Falls to look for a prototype." Bill snapped his fingers together and he was gone. 

I have to admit, I am going to miss him. 

__---(Ciel's POV)---__

(Y/n)'s foot has been healing a lot better now these past few days. Bill hasn't been showing up lately either... I was in my study, doing the bills. I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said in a neutral voice. 

A tall blonde walked in the door. He had an eye patch covering his right eye. He looked about 17 or 20, and quite handsome for that age too. 

"Hey, Eye Patch! Been a while, hasn't it?" The young man chirped. 

"Bill." I grumbled. "Since when do you have a human form?" 

"I'm planning on meeting (Y/n) in this new form, to scare her!" Bill said happily and chuckled. 

"I don't suggest you do that, she will beat you till you have broken bones..." I warned, paying attention to the bills

Bill just shrugged and floated out of the room. "Let's see... That goes there...and-" I was interrupted by a terrified scream. And a heavy crash soon after. 

"Sebastian! Clean whatever Bill or (Y/n) did..." I spoke, growling. 

"Yes, My Lord" was said soon enough.

"You both are making my bills higher and my headache longer!" I yelled, still sitting in my chair.

"Yeah right! Sebastian does all the work for you!" (Y/n) yelled back, sarcastically. I chuckled. 

We really need a vacation from all of this hectic work. It's really giving me back pains..

__---(Sebastian's POV)---__

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