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"Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated"

-Correta Scott King-


Somehow, the old scene that happened years ago has been invading my peaceful sleep for eight days in a row. I can't believe that I had it in Mr. Choi's class this afternoon. The dream itself is not something new for me, but the intensity this time is the highest it's been in these 10 years.

It drives me crazy.

Because every time I wake up from that dream, the only thing I feel is hurt. It's the exact hurt you feel when someone pours a glass of lemon juice on an open wound. Ouch.

And the worst thing is, I have to deal with the most painful part of the dream in my real life every day, until the day only God knows.

"I'm home," I opened the front door of my house to find my mom peeking from the window beside the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Are you coming over for dinner, Yoongi?" she said softly, smiling as she lightly pushed me away from the doorstep.

I knew it!

"Thank you, Mrs. Kim. Maybe next time. I'm afraid she's going to stab me with a fork, just like the last time we had dinner together. Good night." He excused himself and bowed to my mom before walking down the street to his house, which was exactly across from my house.

"Unbelievable," I grunted as I dragged myself away from my mom.

"Soomin, sweetheart. Can you be a little nicer to him?"

Excuse me?! Be nice to him?!
She must be out of her mind!

"What? No! How can you act like this towards someone who had-"

"Soomin, how many times do I have to tell you that he did not..." Her eyes started to water, and her voice began to crack.

"Didn't do what? Kill your son?!" I finished her sentence and left her behind, heading to my room.



It's amazing!
Why don't you tell us about this place earlier!

Oh look at that tree!
Let's build a tree house there..
A secret place for us, for the three of us..

"Yoongi, hey...wake up."

"Uh? Mom?" I jolted a bit from my sleep when I felt someone poke my cheek lightly. I rubbed my eyes and saw my mom crouching in front of me while I was sleeping on the couch.

"Why did you sleep here? Go to your room. It's cold out here."

I nodded as I stretched myself.

"Yoongi, are you Ok? You look extremely tired lately"

"Hm?" I lazily looked at her and saw the worried expression all over her face.

"I'm okay," I made a fake smile to reassure her that I'm okay.

"Don't be too harsh on yourself, you know what I mean," she patted my back before she walked to her room.

I dragged myself to my room upstairs, but instead of going back to sleep, I decided to climb out the window and secretly lean on the rooftop, thinking about the old flashback that was currently appearing in my dream.

"Why do you keep coming into my dreams these days?" I mumbled to myself as I stared at the cloudy sky.

Lost in my thoughts, I noticed a light in one of Kim's rooms. His room. She's at it again. It's been several nights that I've seen her enter his room and turn off the light before dawn. I assumed she left the room before her parents woke up. I don't know why, but somehow it worries me. Lately, she has bags under her eyes and seems to have lost some weight. Sigh, I sound like a stalker at this rate, but what can I do if he himself asked me to keep an eye on her?


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