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The only thing worse than a boy who hates you: a boy that loves you.

- Markus Zusak-


"How could you still alive?"

Ignoring her, who was blinking rapidly in disbelief, I heaved a deep sigh as I recounted the story behind my grievous state by reenacting each word he said to me last night.

I can relate to the question she asked about how I managed to stay alive after that unexpected dramatic scene. I mean, how is it possible that my poor, weak, innocent heart is still beating when the virginity of my sacred lips has been taken by the rude, savage, annoying, cold pain in the ass who has recently started to be weirdly nice and looks so damn good - Min Yoongi.

Not to mention his blunt and nonsensical words, which I couldn't even comprehend the meaning of, even though I have repeated them over and over again in my head. Sigh. Please tell me what the hell my hormones have done to my brilliant and logical mind.

Staring at my already warm iced americano, I inhaled a deep sigh and confessed my ruined sanity to Jiwoo, who was still in a shocked state.

"Do I look like one?"

"No, to be honest, you look like a dying goat," Jiwoo said nonchalantly.

"I know. I feel like I want to detach my head and throw it away to some stray dog."

"Yeah, go ahead and leave him for me."

"What the- What did you say?"

"You may die alone and give Yoongi to me. I'll be glad to have that daddy material as mine though."

This bish- "Yah, are you crazy?"

"Why am I crazy? You have no idea how many hoes fangirling over him, do you? What do you think is the reason that attracts those bunch of noisy girls to come to this place in the first place? Your past rotten hate for him is indeed blinding you."

I don't want to take that as a serious matter, but seeing her 'I-am-not-kidding' look makes me frown in disbelief. What do you mean by blinding me, Sherlock?

"Woman, do I need to slap you with a long list of devoted acts he pulled for you within these years so that it could wake you up and make you realize how great and lovable he is? And those words he said to you last night, isn't it enough to make you realize his feelings for you? To be honest, I would love to trade my brother so that I could have that kind of man in my life."

What feeling? He's just a horny brat who likes to play pranks on me. "Bullshit."

"Yeah, say that again and next time you know, he's married to someone and abandoned you like you never existed. Just remember, don't cry to me if that really happens."

"What the actual fuck -"

"I'm not good with words, but please listen to me. Allow yourself to break down any shield that blinded you from the true him. Let yourself accept the fact that you're starting to have feelings for him."

I don't, do I?

"Okay, enough. I won't push you. That's your problem. I don't wanna give myself a headache because of you. But please remember, I'm not joking when I said I would take him as mine if you don't want him to be yours.

This little piece of shit. How could she casually flip her hair after saying those words? No one can take Min Yoongi from me! No one! He's mine!


What just came across my head?

Ah, fuck.


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