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"Death ends a life, not a relationship"

-Mitch Albom-

You told me that I'm obligated to treasure you, don't you remember?"

His eyes sharply looked into hers as his smooth voice delivered those words. The corner of his lips formed a slight smile as the old memory of her saying those words flashed through his mind. Somehow, he longed for her cringy side. He was self-confidently sure that she would at least give him a sincere smile in response, until he saw her expression.

"Fuck off."

Two harsh words, with a disgusted look all over her face, successfully crushed his high expectations. What happened to "she still has a soft spot for you, so talk to her nicely... if you know what I mean," Taehyung told him before he woke up?

"Soft spot my ass." Yoongi marched down to his house furiously when he remembered the image of Taehyung winking at him. "You are so dead, Kim Taehyung," Yoongi talked to himself.

"He IS dead."

Out of nowhere, a familiar high-pitched voice was heard as Yoongi crossed the street to reach his house. He stopped and tilted his head to his right side to see a small figure with a grin plastered on his cheeky face.

Right, he said he wanted to spend his free time at my house. Yoongi thought. Saying nothing, Yoongi glared at him and proceeded his way back. Both of them dropped their bodies onto the couch as soon as they reached the Min's living room.

"It's not good to curse a dead man," Jimin started the talk while scanning the entire house to find Mrs. Min. He loved Mrs. Min. No, scratch that. He loved Mrs. Min's food.

"What is your problem with your already-rest-in-peace friend, actually?" Yoongi gave no answer to Jimin's question. Instead, he paid all of his attention to his phone. Jimin sighed because once again, for the millionth time, he had to suppress his curiosity about Yoongi and his complicated problems with the Kim siblings.


"Uhm?" Jimin hummed as his eyes now focused on the tv, watching some random music program. A spark of hope that Yoongi would spill out his problem made him secretly smile

"How to talk nicely to a girl?"

"Oh, so that's you prob- What?" Attacked by the sudden question, Jimin instantly threw his gaze from the tv screen to Yoongi.

Sigh. "How to talk ni- forget it"

"Hyung! what was that question about?!" Jimin yelled while rushing himself to catch Yoongi'space who was now dragging himself to his room.


The boys' loud quarrel not only caught the attention of Yoongi's neighborhood but also the eyes and ears of the sky, who were secretly observing them from above.

"I had my expectations too high for him. How on earth can a 24-year-old man like him not even have a pleasant conversation with a girl?" Taehyung facepalmed himself as he walked away from the large standing mirror, which now showed nothing but the reflection of the pinkish room he was in.

"I told you. His ability to curse is much better than having a decent talk," said his friend ignorantly. "You should stop it for real. There's no use," he continued.

"No, I won't stop. I still have you," Taehyung smirked at his friend, which caused his friend to boil in anger.

"Yah! I'm not a cupid or whatever! Stop bothering me with this matter! I'll be dead if Namjoon finds out that I'm trying to intervene in someone's life!"

"Look, first, you're as dead as me. Second, it's your job to intervene in any human life. You give them prosperity, for God's sake!"

His friend had nothing left to say, as he clearly understood that having an argument with Taehyung was a useless thing to do. It seemed that stubbornness indeed ran in his family line.

"Whatever. I'm out. You should too. Seokjin is heading here," he said, and with a snap of his fingers, he vanished from the room.

"Yah! That was unfair!" Taehyung panicked and quickly ran away from the room when he saw his friend disappear. He was fast enough to leave the room before getting caught. However, his luck ended there because in the blink of an eye, the owner of the room could easily spotted their presence as soon as he opened the door.

"Kim Taehyung, still not giving up, are you?"


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