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"Oh, did you expect me to play fair?" Cupid laughed.
"I am the god of love. I am never fair"

-Rick Riordan-

"Kim Seokjin, what are you doing with those things in your hand?"

"What is with that skeptical tone? I'm just spreading little loves here and there" Seokjin winked to the frowning guy standing at his doorstep while putting his precious and sacred silver bow and arrows back to their place.

Sigh."Did you just directly lay your hand to those mortals as the kids have done?"

"Those mortals have names, Namjoon." Seokjin elegantly sipping his tea as he focusing his eyes to his mirror, watching over two human beings who had attracted his attention by their problematic relationship since the first day he saw them thru Taehyung's mind.

"Seokjin, seriously, this is so wro-""

"Kim Namjoon," putting his cup of tea away, Seokjin finally averted his gaze to his companion after heaved a one deep sigh. "Just sit nicely and enjoy this interesting drama. You need this to tense down your rigid side. Being Bishamonten's descendant doesn't mean you have to always be a strait-laced. Get a life"

"Did you just-"

"I just dissed you. Now shut it down if you don't want me to scope your eye balls with this tea spoon" said Seokjin calmly as he put back his sight to the mirror, making Namjoon gulped and positioned himself in a safe distance. How could it even possible that this surprisingly scary guy was chosen by Fukurokuju himself to be his descendant. He thought.

I heard you Namjoon



"Damn, God bless these sexy dorks"

Drooling over seven heavenly beautiful guys working their booties while dancing roughly yet sexily on YouTube for hours, Soomin was apparently able to put aside her mellow mood after seeing Yoongi's graceful face for a split of second from the balcony.

She was mentally cursing the so called Cupid in her mind while rolling over her bed exactly for an hour before and now she was drowning into an endless dark pit named Bangtan. It was thanks to the gif Jiwoo had sent to their chat group several days ago - a video that showed a breathtaking gorgeous bunch of guys who was shamelessly grabbing their crotch while staring sexily to the camera. As a defense, it was accidentally played when she was about to chat her friends hours ago.

"Oh my sweet mighty Lord, please forgive this sinner"

Gulping as she witnessed the boys started to thrust their hips without mercy over one of their cute song, her eyes never left the hot smirky one who once or twice was flashing a cute gummy smile.

"Ugh! Stop licking that fricking kissable lips young man!" she groaned yet her eyes were still intensely focused on the man's lips. How can a guy have that perfect pinkish lips? It looks so thin and soft, just like Yoo-

Eyes widening as she remembered something said by Hoseok that day at the coffee shop, the grip on her iPad was loosened which made the gadget perfectly landed so hard on her bare face.

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