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"For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness"

-Ralph Waldo Emerson-


For Soomin, having Yoongi as a caretaker was not an easy thing to deal with.

In the first three years after the accident, the things Yoongi did for her were only about sending her to school and fetching her back after school without a word. He was as mute as a dead rock.

In the fourth year, when Soomin was getting used to his silent mode, he changed. He started to say one or two words. But then, it turned out that words only made their broken relationship worse. Day by day, the silent journey from home to school (vice versa) evolved into a bickering field. Shouting names, cursing, and throwing invisible daggers at each other became their habit. So, it's no wonder both of them grew up cold and savage.

Now, on the tenth year since Taehyung's death, Soomin had to bear the unexpected new side of Yoongi. The cheesy and sugary Yoongi.

"Should I need a reason for taking care of the one I love?"

Soomin was not ready for this. She tried her best to maintain her emotionless expression as she heard the sacred "L" word from Yoongi's usually foul mouth, but she failed. Her mouth was parted in disbelief. A warm sensation spread from her cheeks to her ears.

Her heart unintentionally fluttered more intensely than before.

She frowned as she tried to digest the things Yoongi had said. Yet, before she could regain her sanity, Yoongi cleared his throat and walked away, leaving the dumbfounded Soomin behind. When Yoongi was a few feet away from her, he turned around.

"I should make a lot of jokes like this," he said.

A devilish laugh was heard as Yoongi turned back on his heels to continue his steps, ignoring the girl who once again locked her nearly-open heart for him.


Ditching classes for a whole week right before the final exam was definitely one of the biggest mistakes she ever made. So, after all the classes she had today, she decided to bury herself with books and notes at the library.

The harder she tried to grasp all the theories, the more headaches she got. Thank God she did not have to suffer alone because her two most loyal yet noisy best friends were accompanying her. But then she kinda regretted it because they were helping her while nagging her at the same time. Great.

"Stop scolding me while I'm reading all your notes! Your handwriting already made my head hurt!"

"But why did you do that?! You didn't even answer our messages or our calls!"

And so on... and so on...

Managed to stay alive after devouring all the books Minyoung had fed her, Soomin sighed in relief. She was ready to go home and sleep, but then, as expected, the girls standing in front of her were implicitly asking for an explanation by shooting laser gazes right into her eyes.

Sighing, she said, "Okay, I'll tell you everything, but can I have a coffee first? I definitely need some caffeine and sugar right now."


Welcome!" Jimin's signature welcoming voice greeted them as the three of them entered the coffee shop. Soomin and Minyoung politely bowed to him, while Jiwoo was being Jiwoo, and threw her sling bag carelessly onto the empty table before going to the counter to make some coffee.

"What a lovely sister I have," Jimin sighed.

"Long time no see, Soomin. By the way, did you come with Yoongi Hyung?" he looked around, but he did not see the person he asked about.

"Nope, just me and the girls."

"Well, that's weird. He went to fetch you hours ago."

Despite her salty mood towards Yoongi, Soomin reflexively fished out her phone as she heard Jimin's words. It's off. It ran out of battery. No wonder she did not get the usual annoying calls from him, even though she was three hours late from her schedule.

She was about to shrug off her thoughts about Yoongi when the crashing sound of thunder was heard. It's raining so hard.

Where the heck is he? she thought.

She kept checking outside the window unconsciously while telling the girls about everything that had happened during the last week, but of course, she left out the Taehyung parts because she lowkey did not want to be judged as a crazy girl by them. Plus, she didn't mention the part when she was crying so hard in Yoongi's warm embrace.

"Just give him a call if you're worried," Minyoung handed her phone to Soomin.

"Huh? Me? Worried about him? Pffff, please," Soomin rolled her eyes as she casually sipped her coffee.

"Girl, please. You've been looking at the road each time you said his name. I know that something happened between you and him last week. I won't force you to tell us, but it has definitely changed the way you see him, am I right?"


"Are we done yet? I'm tired. I'm going home."

"It's still raining outside."

Soomin and the girls were startled when Jungkook suddenly butted in on their conversation, standing next to them with a cup of hot chocolate in his hands.

"Did you just pop out of nowhere? 'Cause I'm sure I did not see you coming through that door," Jiwoo blankly pointed at the front door as she looked at Jungkook in confusion.

"Of course, I just came down from the studio. And Soomin, just wait until the rain stops or if you insist on going home, you could use my umbrella. It's big enough for two." He faked a smile and went back to the second story.

"What is wrong with him?" Soomin thought as she checked the umbrella Jungkook told her.

"I'm going home, girls! Oh Jimin Oppa, please tell Jungkook that I borrowed his umbrella."

"Umbrella? Is that his? I did not see him bring one though. Well, just use it then, be careful on your way home."

"Thanks, Oppa." Soomin flashed a smile before she stepped out and went back home.


It's about dinner time when she heard someone ring the doorbell.

"Soomin, could you check it?"

She groaned and dragged herself to the front door to see who the uninvited guest was. And it was Yoongi, standing in front of her, drenched from head to toe.

"Thank God... I've been looking for you. Where have you been? Is your phone running out of battery?" A relieved smile was plastered on his pale face as soon as he saw her safe and sound. There was a slight guilty feeling, but her anger once again consumed her logic.

"I should make fun of you like this more often,"

She said coldly.


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