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"The more you know, the less you understand.
That's so cliche'.
Wanna know the scary version?
The more you know, the more fuckups you find.
That's what really makes you even less understand"

-Toba Beta-

..He was the one who brought all of those helps to save you. Tell me, does he still look like a murderer to you?..

Soomin shrieked in pain as Taehyung's words kept chanting in her mind mercilessly. She curled herself into a ball of sadness under her blanket, hoping that all the pain she had in her heart would disapear like dust. But doing so while covering both of the ears and  closing her eyes gave her nothing but louder and clearer picture of him saying those hurtful truth. It had been three days two nights since she isolated herself in her room; doing nothing but mourned at the reality that hit her hard. There was no tears left to be shed as agonized feeling lingered in her torn heart.    

No, he did not help us.
I saw him stayed still at the tree house, looking at us who were struggling to get out from the river in horror.

Taehyung was the one who saved me.
Yoongi left us alone at the river.
Yoongi let Taehyung drifted by the current.

She repeated the words over and over while digging her own memories about that day, the memories she once believed as the truth for a decade. But the more she thought about it the more she lost.

A week had passed.

Plates of food were left untouched.
Couple of classes were left unattended.
Uncountable calls and messages were ignored.

Her life was getting more and more lifeless.



Min Yoongi," a stern voice distracted Yoongi from his laptop. He tilted his head to see both of Soomin's friends standing next to his seat. Great, now I have to deal with these kids, he thought. Yoongi fixed his glasses and gave them an emotionless look.

"Jung Minyoung, Park Jiwoo," Yoongi greeted the two girls.

"Where is she?" asked Minyoung, still in a stern voice.

"I don't know," Yoongi averted his eyes back to his laptop. But before he could lay a single finger on the keyboard, Jiwoo closed the laptop and took it away from the table. "More lies, say goodbye to your laptop," she said as she pinched the laptop with her slim fingers.

Sigh. "Jiwoo, put it back" Yoongi ran through his hair before put away his glasses. Jiwoo a bit startled by the look Yoongi gave to her. "O-okay, there.." Jiwoo awkwardly put back the laptop and took a step back before positioned herself behind Minyoung. Never failed to scare her. Yoongi thought as he mentally chuckled.

"Tell us, please.." Minyoung said desperately since she was so anxious about Soomin who could not be reach for these whole week. 

"Please.." Jiwoo added with a puppy eyes.

Look at those faces, not so savage aren't they? . He said silently. 

"Why don't you just call or drop her a message?"   

"Why do we have to see you if we could reach her by phone?" Minyoung rolled her eyes, a bit annoyed by his stupid question.

She did not even answer her friends calls? He thought.

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