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"The truth will set you free.
But, not until it is finished with you"

- David F. Wallace -


Loud crashing sounds of thunder bring me back to the real world. The darkness which previously took over my room now is replaced by the spark of lightning which is flashing one to another as if there is no tomorrow.

Still trying to gather my consciousness, I look around to find nothing but her who is now curled herself on the couch. All I can see is her back, but heavy breathing sounds is clearly heard as I take a step to reach her.

Gently, I grab her shoulder with my still-trembling hand to turn her around, to see if she has back. But she's not moving, even an inch. Her body refuse to follow my gesture, she is awake.

I slightly move to see her face but I can't because it's covered by her hood. Her breath is getting heavier as I call her name and weeping sounds is heard on and off, she is trying to hold herself from crying.. So hard.

Her body shows movement as she is gasping for air, a clear sign that she's still restraining herself to let out her cry. It is painful to do so, I know it too well.

In a one strong gesture, I force her to face me. She gives up. She rolles her body to my direction with both hands cover her face. I take those hands with mine to witness a very heartbreaking sight of her.

Her face is drenched by nothing but sweat and tears. Both of her eyes are tightly shut but fail to hold the tears to roll down her cheek. I avert my gaze to a spot which make my heart stop beating, her lips. It's bleeding. She bites it so hard to muffle her own cry.

I can't hold myself to wipe all the tears & blood before I scope her defenseless body with my hands and place her onto my bed. But then I realize that her body is shivering so bad. I hold her hand as I sit at the edge of the bed, back facing her to give her some space. Which suprise me is, she holds it back, tightly. I wait for a while but she hasn't lossen up her grip. So I brave myself to lay down beside her and pull her close to me which somehow breaks down her last defense.

Finally, she releases all of her pain in my embrace.

Hours have passed, the piercing crying which was constantly stabbing my throbbing heart finally reach its end. Now, her breath is getting stable as she lossen up. Her sobbing voice is now replaced by a soft snore. Ah, she's sleeping...


"Yoongi.." I flinch as light touch poke my side profil. "Wake up..".

Rubbing my sleepy eyes, I drift my sight to the source of voice to find my mom standing next to my bed. I'm about to wake up but something hold me to do so. I tilt my head, there is a sleeping girl who is cuddling into my left hand. Then I remember that both of us ended falling asleep. But, what I have is a dreamless sleep. Is it...end???.

"Don't wake her up.." I nod as I slowly pull my hand from her. I take a quick glance before following my mom to the living room where Mr. & Mrs. Kim have waited me to come down.

"Good..morning?" I greet them after being startled when I see the clock showing 8.30 am. I got a long ass sleep.

"Morning Yoongi" Fiuh..I am kinda glad to see Mr. Kim's smile because I was worried he's gonna shoot me on the spot considering I was sleeping with his daughter all night long. ok, it's kinda awkward to be remembered.

"Uh, is there..something happened?" asked Mr. Kim. Oh shoot! the three of them are now looking at me intensly as if they are trying to crack what is inside my head. I did nothing to her!

"I - uh, I didn't d-do anything to her Mr. Kim, you could take my words! I-I swear!" Ok now I'm trully afraid of them thinking I was doing inappropriate thing to her!.

"Haha calm down Yoongi, I'm sure that your parents have raised you into such a good manner man.. I was asking is there any serious coversation between her and you? cause, you know.. she's kinda vicious whenever you're around, but this morning..well.. she looks like a tame kitten sleeping peacefully next to you"
Well, that's releaving. Now, how should I explain all of this madness to them without being accused as a wacky kid? can I ask to be reborn as a cow in my next life? being human surely hard af!.

"Uh, about last night, just let's say that she's..uh..somehow finding out the truth..."

I lay my head low as gasps came form their mouth. Lot of questions throw to me as they clearly sure that I won't ever tell her the truth behind Taehyung's death.

Yes, it was me who begged them to hide the detail chronology of the one happened after she fell unconscious.

"So is it true?"

All of us turn our gaze to the stairs from where the hoarse voice is heard. She looks awful.

None of us tell a word. None of us give her the answer. Yet out of nowhere, she gives us a smile. Why a single smile can hurt me more than a piercing cry I heard last night?

"It's me who killed him then.."

THAT is the reason why I chose to swallow all the blames & hates she gave. Cause I know, I am a lot stronger than her.


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