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"Just when you think it can't get any worse, it can. And just when you think it can't get any better, it can."

- Nicholas Sparks -



Warm water is flowing unattended from the faucet of the bathroom sink as I intensely stare at the mirror, which is reflecting my stupid reddish face. I've repeatedly smacked both cheeks, hoping to regain my sanity and wipe away this unwanted nervous yet thrilling feeling from my heart. Ten minutes have passed, and my apple-like face slowly regains its natural color as I am able to calm myself. I want to curse myself, really, but I'm too upset to find the right words to swear.


"It's just a smile, Soomin. Just. A. Meaningless. Ugly. Smile. Suit yourself and behave like a lady!" I speak the final words of encouragement to my own reflection. I brace myself to unlock the door and face that butt-head.

"What took you so long? Did you take a poop?"

"Yeah, a big one." Only God knows how much I want to sew his foul mouth.

I walk past him, who is now comfortably lying on his bed while playing with his laptop, to take over the unoccupied couch near the window. I take a quick glance to ensure that he has covered his lady-like yet slightly muscular body before laying myself down on the couch. It's kind of an awkward moment to be alone with him like this, considering our long-lasting bad term relationship.

The fresh night air coming from outside makes me avert my focus to the wide-open window. Should I just jump myself down? I'd rather have several fractures than stay the whole night with this guy. To think of it, what kind of parents would let their precious one and only daughter be alone with a grown-up man with a rage hormone like this?!

"Uh, Soomin..Did I say or do something weird to you when I got drunk today?"

I snap from my busy thoughts as he asks me such a question. He has no idea that he was crying while apologizing to me? Should I tell him?

"No," because I don't care. "Now leave me alone unless you have something in mind to set us free from this room."

"Soomin..." I groan as he clearly ignores my words. Can't he even understand human language? Didn't I just ask him to shut up?!

"Should we see a psychologist? Cause I'm sure that we need that," he said. I scoff right away, remembering that I clearly talked to the grown-up version of my dead brother a couple of hours ago. We need an exorcist, to be exact.

"Yah, don't scoff at me. Just for this time, can you cooperate with me to solve this puzzling situation? You only have me to talk to about it, though."

Sigh. He has a point.

"Alright, let's talk." I fix my sitting position so that now I'm facing him, who is already sitting at the edge of his bed, facing me as well. I can clearly see his face brighten a bit as I agree to do this.

"I managed to meet him when I fell asleep this afternoon. When... I got drunk, I guess."

Pfft. Yeah, of course. And I saw you crying in the dream.


"I almost fainted in my own dream when I boldly tried to call him by your brother's name, and he gave me a weird wide smile as a response while saying, 'Glad that you finally notice me, hyung.'"

That playful brother of mine surely is having fun by doing this to us. I'll smack him on his head if I ever meet him again! But if it's true, then why and how?! So many questions to be asked.

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