More Secrets

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I turned the corner down the shady street I hoped to never see again. Rafael wouldn't be home for another hour or two so I left a note on the bed saying I went to get groceries. Hopefully whatever I was meeting Nevada for wasn't going to take long.
I seen the same black car that I previously concluded was Nevada's personal car.
As I got closer, I seen him get out of the car and slam the door angrily as he walked towards me, "Didn't I say 8?" He towered over me.
"I had to think of an excuse to leave," I offered the best smile up at him as you could in this situation.
He laughed, but in a sinister way, and shoved me up against the wall of the building we were in front of. I winced in pain as he stood beside me. He had his elbow up on the wall beside my head as he shook his head.
"It's 8:13 sweetheart," He leans close to my face and stops right before his nose touches mine. "Get your ass in the car."
I nod and make my way around him then to his car, getting in the passenger seat as he went to the drivers side. I stayed quiet as he drove to a part of town I've never been to. He has his right hand on my left thigh, squeezing occasionally when he caught a red light or got stuck behind someone. It felt like forever until we pulled up to a fancy looking restaurant. He parked but before we got out, he grabbed my jaw to face towards him. Was that this guy's thing? God damn.
"I need you to do me a favor. I have a deal to make in here so you'll just stay with me, stay quiet." I nod so he'll continue, "I'm gonna need to push you around and treat you like my, pequeña puta, to let them know I'm in charge. To scare them, you know? Deal?"
I sigh and nod. "Yeah..."
"Good, okay." He reached in the backseat and handed me a skanky black dress and smirked, "put this on princess."
I made a disgusted face and grabbed it from him before realizing, "Where am I supposed to change?" He motioned to the back seat. I scanned his face to see if he was joking but no, he was dead serious.
"This is so not fair," I murmur to myself as I climb into the backseat and change out of my jeans and Rafael's Harvard shirt.
"La vida no es justa cariño." I have no clue what this guy is saying but I finish and climb out of the car. The wind hits my exposed skin and I shiver as Nevada makes his way around the car.
"Just to be clear, if I do this, you'll leave Rafael and I alone?" I look up at him and he just nods.
He puts his arm around my waist and pulls me towards the restaurant door with him, "Sí, I'll leave him be."
In the restaurant there was no one other than 10 or 11 men sitting at one table in the center of the place.
Nothing too bad happened, I zoned out but every once in a while glanced up when Nevada touched me or mentioned his "buena niña."
On the ride back, Nevada thanked me for being so cooperative but reassured me he'd keep touch. You know, in case he needed me again. What was I? A backup plan? Gosh.
I changed quickly and got out if his car when he pulled up to the place he had picked me up from.
"Hey, I got a bag in the truck for you," He popped the trunk and I went to see. Groceries, nice one Nevada.
"Thanks buddy," I slammed the trunk closed after retrieving the bag and walked towards the corner around from... safety.
"Can't get caught!" I heard him shout at me until he pulled off. in the opposite direction.
I made my way back to Rafael's apartment and reached to my pocket, where the fuck are my keys? I knocked, hoping Rafael was home. I must've left my keys in Nevada's car.
"Ana, did you pick up milk?" I was relieved to see Rafael already in his sweatpants and t-shirt.
I look into my bag and am even more relieved to see a carton of milk, "Yea, I did." I smile and walk past him into the kitchen, setting down the bag and putting away the random items I pulled out of it.


From then on, I'd do odd jobs for Nevada while maintaining to Rafael that I was just going out with friends.
Nevada was seemingly the most powerful guy in the heights and I was his arm-candy for special occasions. I constantly reassured myself that I wasn't cheating, just maybe being a little sneaky. I wouldn't have to do this if Rafael hadn't given his address to a man threatening his life.
We never had sex or anything, but he'd put on a show for everyone. Enough to convince but not enough to make me dangerously uncomfortable. I mean, I was already uncomfortable dating and living with an ADA while simultaneously being a boarderline escort for the arguably the most powerful drug dealer in New York.
To make matters worse, I passed the bar and Sonny was constantly getting on my back about doing something in law enforcement.
"You're bright Naomi, use your knowledge. You could get a really good job." He'd always tell me how much of a blast it was being apart of NYPD.
If only he knew, haha.
I wonder how long I can keep this act up. When I moved to New York, I wasn't really expecting this.

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