Convenient Enough

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"Detective Carisi, how can I help y... who's this?"
Carisi put his hand on my shoulder as I stand next to him awkwardly in the doorway of an ADA's office, "This is my cousin, Naomi. She's studying at Princeton and since, well ya know you showed me a bunch I thought maybe you could help her out?"
The man had his legs on his desk crossed and he stared at me, I don't know if I should take it as he wants me to leave and never speak to him ever. Carisi pulls me in the room and I sit in the chair in front of the man's desk next to Carisi. "Rafael Barba". I didn't dare make eye contact while Barba listened to reasons he should "tutor" me.
"Huh?" I look up and see both Barba and Sonny staring at me.
"She's a bright one" Barba scoffed. My cheeks started to burn.
"Hey, kiddo, I gotta head back. Benson needs me but Barba agreed to help you out alright?"
"Uh, yeah, ok." I smile at him, then at Barba, but the smile fades when I see his glare.
Carisi leaves and Barba takes his legs off his desk putting down a file and leaning forward, "Alright 'kiddo', I have a few papers I need to sort through then we can go get coffee and I'll answer any questions you have. Sound fair?"
"Yeah, I mean yes sir," I pause and wait for a reply, "...yes mr Barba?" I offer an awkward smile.
He laughs leaning back in his chair and flicking a pen against his thigh, "Just call me Rafael, we don't work together so no need for professional names."
I sigh and laugh a little, "Okay 'Rafael' but do you want me to leave so you can focus?"
"It's fine. Actually, I'll just do them when we get back." He stands and puts his suit jacket on, "Shall we?"
I stand and follow him out of the office but as we go to leave Lieutenant Benson and Detective Tutuola stop us.
"Barba, hi we need to talk." Benson doesn't seem to notice me at first but Tutuola half-smiled at me.
"Liv yeah uh, come on." He turned back around letting out a sigh and opened his office door, "ladies, and Fin, first."
I walk in first and take a seat on the couch to the left of the entrance while Barba, Benson, and Tutuola go to the desk to talk about something. I lean my head on my hand and doze off without noticing. Next thing I remember is two green eyes shaking my shoulder and it being darker than I remembered falling asleep to. I sit up rubbing my eyes and start to actually see the guy in front of me.
"Raf..." yawn. "Rafael, hi, what happened?" I stretch my arms above my head.
He laughs and steps back, putting his hands in his pockets. "You probably got bored of all the cop business going on and fell asleep, so I let you sleep while I finished some things up."
I stand up and rub my forehead, "Oh gosh, what time is it?"
"8:45 pm."
"Alright well I'll uh, get out of your hair." I wave slightly and turn to walk out.
He grabs his briefcase and follows me out, "wanna split a taxi?"
"Sure," I walk out with him to the street and he waves down a taxi. I give the taxi driver the hotel I'm staying at and we ride in silence for the most part. I glance over and see Rafael sort of smiling to himself. What's he so happy about? We pull up as close as we could get to the hotel but there's three police cars and a group of people yelling out in front. I sigh and go to leave the car, "New York is a blast."
"Wait, you don't have anywhere else you can stay? There's a little crowd out there and I don't want to be the blame for anything happening to you."
"I-no not really. I only stopped living on campus a few days ago and I haven't really met many people here hah."
Rafael thought for a moment and the cab driver started to remind him he's paying for this extra time. "Why don't you just stay at my place, I'll tell Carisi what happened and you can sleep on the couch for tonight. Tomorrow you can find a more permanent place to stay, okay?"
"You sure? I don't want to invade your privacy." He nods and I shrug in agreement.


"Wow, nice place. Super home-y Rafael." I joke as I walk into the living room. There's papers all over the coffee table and a flat screen with Castle playing, guess he left that on all day.
"My apologies, su Alteza, I didn't think I'd have a lady over today." He put his suit jacket over his brief case on the coffee table and flopped on the couch. "There's a bunch of leftover takeout in the fridge, pick what you want. I just have a few papers I need to go over."
I wonder over and open his fridge, just boring chinese food containers and stuff. "Hey can I have this uh," I turn a bottle to read the label, "uhhh chocolate looking shake?"
He looks over and I hold up the drink for him to see, "mmhmm." He looks back down and focuses on his work.
I sit down at the kitchen table which is also filled with papers. I thought this guy had like a wife or something but I guess he's too indulged in his work. Fair enough. I take random sips of the mysterious chocolatey drink, it's good but I still have no clue what it is. There's no sound except the low buzzing of the muted TV and a steady breathing, fuck. If this man fell asleep where I'm supposed to sleep.
I walk over to peer over the couch and see him peacefully sleeping still in his suit with papers sprawled across his lap. I catch myself smiling, he looks so cute. Stop. I look around and find his bedroom, I guess I'll sleep in there since he's claimed the couch.

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