One More Time

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Warning: abuse, borderline rape, watch out y'all.

"His lawyer got him out? When did he even lawyer up?" I was sitting on the bed wathing Rafael pace around. They had sent him and I home after they thought they had him but Olivia had recently informed us that they hadn't had enough to hold him.
"Yea, I don't know how but she did." He stopped pacing to free himself of his tie and dress-shoes.
I sighed and got up, digging through the closet for something to wear. I settled on stealing a blue shirt of Rafael's. I didn't bother going into the bathroom and just stripped right there, leaving on my underwear and pulling the shirt over my head. "So what are we supposed to do Rafi?"
"I don't know cariño," he sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed the back of his neck.
I sat next to him and crossed my legs, leaning my head against his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I should've just told you the truth before any of this."
He put his arm around me and pulled me into his side, "It's not your fault babe, we'll work it out." He kissed the top of my head.
We sat there for a few minutes just enjoying each others embrace before he stood, leaving me on the bed.
"Rafiii," I whined as he walked towards the closet.
He laughed and looked at me, "What? You want me to stay in my suit? I gotta stop falling asleep in work clothes."
"Actually," I crawled to the side of the bed closest to the closet and smiled innocently. "You look good in suits."
He raised his eyebrows and walked towards the bed, "Really?"
"Yea but I don't know you, you might get chafed if you keep sleeping in suits." I laughed and laid back on the bed, snuggling into the blanket.
I heard him mumble something in spanish then began to flip through the closet again. Sometime after the running water of the shower stopped, Rafael snuck up behind me and snuggled into me.
I'm not sure if he was even fully conscious when he whispered in my ear. "I love you Naomi..."
To be fair, I may not have been fully conscious either but I like to think that's what he said.


I woke up to a note sitting on the bedside table on Rafi's side.

I got called in, sorry cariño. Carisi will be over there around noon to check up on you. Call me or Liv if something happens.

Completed with a little poorly drawn heart. It was just shy of 10 am so he probably has been gone since early, 6 or 7 like usual.
I spent a few more minutes laying there before convincing myself to get up to get coffee. I meandered out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. I had grabbed a coffee mug and started fidgeting with the coffee maker before someone spoke from he living room.
I dropped the mug when the voice sent chills down my spine. It shattered at my feet and I didn't bother turning around. Why did this keep happening?
"What? Cat got your tongue?" I felt him approach behind me, yet I couldn't even turn to face the inevitable man behind me.
He turned me to face him while seemingly snaking his arms around my waist in the same instant. He roughly held me close to him and I couldn't make out any noise but a whimper.
Chuckling devilishly, he leaned down and whispered in my ear. "I made my own key when you left yours in my car, pequeña muda. I tried being nice but mmm, that wouldn't work for you, would it?" He ran a hand up my back and ran his fingers through the base of my hair.
"W-what do you want Nevada?" I was staring directly at his chest, too scared to move.
His hand run up through my hair gently before he gripped a fistful and pulled my head to an angle. "I wanted you to keep a simple promise. You told right after I made a deal to you, did he find out or something?"
I put my hands on his chest and attempted pushing him away but his grip in my hair just tightened. "Please don't do this..."
"Do what?" He was baiting me to say what he wanted but I could barely think.
Sonny wouldn't stop by for another few hours, anything could happen. "Please."
As I stammered my last plea, he let go of my hair and instead grabbed my wrist, turning me back around and pushing me over the counter with his hand on the back of my neck.
I yelped in pain as my cheek hit the counter, hard. He bent over on top of me, slightly grinding his hips against me. "You know niñita, I tried to be nice to you."
"By kidnapping me and forcing me to go out with you on occasion?" My senses started returning slightly and only made me panic worse, how could I possibly sarcasm myself out of this?"
He responded by pushing harder on the back of my neck, "I could have just killed you, but I liked you. I thought you were smarter than getting police involved."
Using he started running his free hand under my, Rafael's, shirt then along my back and bottom. It left a trail of goosebumps down my skin.
I whimpered as much of a beg for mercy as much as I could but he just held me down and continued running his hand up and down my body.
The next thing happened in more of a blur than reality but I used every bit of might I had and kicked blindly to where I assumed his crotch was.
I turned around as he stumbled back a steady stream of spanish curses leaving his mouth. I stood there for a moment, frozen once again, when he looked up at me.
"You bitch," he straightened his posture and swung an open hand at me. The back of his hand hit me so hard I fell back and hit my head against the counter.
I wasn't sure if I was bleeding or not, or if he was even done. My vision was going in and out and all I seen was Nevada trying to soothe his own pain as I sat crying in agony on the floor.
"Pequeña puta terca. She couldn't just listen, just keep her mouth shut and listen to me." He mumbled things to himself as he completely ignored my sobs.
I collected as much strength as I could to say something, "Nevada..."
At the sound of his name, he laughed the evil laugh of his and walked over to me, crouching next to my pain stricken body. "What? You want to beg me to leave you alone? You'll do anything for me to stop contacting you and your buddy?"
I coughed into my hand as he spoke, blood. Trying to ignore my injuries, I started up at him. He shook his head and stood up again.
Ring ring.
The sound of my cell phone ringing traveled into the kitchen from the bedside table it was sitting on.
Nevada strode into the bedroom, walking back out with the phone in his hand. He showed me the screen but I still couldn't see more than blobs.
"It's 'Sonny', who's that?"
I shook my head, unable to create words in my state. Between me trying to figure out what was happening and how to work through my own concussion, I wasn't trying to explain my cell phone contacts to Nevada.
My memory stops being consecutive after that point.

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